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8653 results

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  • To Construct A New Dwelling House Knockauncore, Kilcummin, , Killarney, Kerry,

    to construct a new dwelling house served by a mechanical aeration unit and sand polishing filter

    21/452 View details
  • Extension Lenamore, , Ballylongford, Kerry, V31 NR13

    PERMISSION to extend existing protected structure “RPS-KY-0134” including the removal of the North West corner wall of the existing rear extension, erect a new single storey extension with attic storage to the north west of existing thatched house, decommission existing septic tank and install a new mechanical treatment unit and polishing filter, for all ancillary site works associated with the development including parking and turning areas on site

    24/60885 View details
  • Opt Out - Detached Garage Rusheen, , Ballylongford, Kerry,

    Construction of a detached [domestic] garage

    24/76 View details
  • Opt Out - Detached Garage/Shed Kilbaha Middle, , Moyvane, Kerry,

    Construction of a detached [domestic] garage/shed

    24/60681 View details
  • Private Dwelling Ardfert Baltovin, , Ardfert, Kerry,

    Private Single Storey Dwelling

    24/144 View details
  • To Construct A New Dwelling House Coom, Gneeveguilla, , Rathmore, Kerry,

    To construct a new dwelling house served by mechanical aeration unit and soil polishing filter

    24/60328 View details
  • To Construct A New Dwelling House Derreen, , Scartaglin, Kerry,

    To construct a new dwelling house served by mechanical aeration unit and soil polishing filter

    22/724 View details
  • 14 St Flannan's Terrace 14 Clare Road, , Ennis, Clare, V95 E1WH

    to remove section of blockwork, carry out alterations and extension to dwelling house with existing connections to public sewer and water

    20137 View details
  • Ennis Plaza Kilbreckan, Doora,, , Ennis, Clare,

    to develop a motorway service area and rest area adjacent to Junction 12 of the M18 motorway, which will include service station building with convenience shop, food court, staff facilities, canopy, fuel facilities, parking and circulation space, children's play area, picnic area and access provision. The development also includes infrastructural works public lighting, signage, landscaping, internal fencing, electrical substation, sixteen electric car charging points, roof mounted solar panels, storm water runoff, petrol interceptors and attenuation system, on-site wastewater treatment plant including access road, pumping station and connection to public foul sewer, drainage improvement works, underground fuel storage tanks, rain water harvesting system, connection to public water supply, underground storage tanks for fire-fighting purposes, underground rain water harvesting tanks, works to improve visibility at access point, upgrade to adjacent roundabout and ancillary works. The connection to the public sewerage system will be by means of a rising main to an existing public sewer. The rising main sewer will cross under the M18 motorway by directional drilling and thereafter underground via existing road margins/public road and under River Fergus and railway line through the townlands of Kilbreckan, Killow, Skehanagh, Clareabbey and Ballybeg.

    20781PP - ABP309207-21 View details
  • Broadford Astropitch coolagh, , Knockatee, Clare,

    Construction of 60x35 metre flood lit Astro pitch and car park

    P23/406 View details



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