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Farmhouse Extension_Murreagh 6 Waterville Bay Holiday Cottages, , Waterville, Kerry, V23 E084Description:
Extension to existing farmhouse
Material Alterations at Elm House Killorglin 18 Iveragh Road, , Killorglin, Kerry, V93 T851Description:
The changes proposed from the previous granted Fire Safety Certificate (Ref: FSC/09/079/09/125) include material alterations and a change of use at first-floor level which shall see the subdivision of the former Fexco offices into three separate units. It is proposed to undertake a change of use for Unit 1 from Office use (Purpose Group 3) to a Non-Residential Educational Establishment use (Purpose Group 5 (ii)) as Unit 1 will provide further education services for adults. Units 2 and 3 shall remain as Offices (Purpose Group 3)
Application No.: -
Dwelling Extensions and alterations_opt_out Aglish, , Lispole, Kerry, V92 ED62Description:
Construction of a single storey extension, alterations and renovations of the existing dwelling along with all associated site works at Aglish, Lispole, Co Kerry
University Hospital Kerry - Interim Beds Rathass, , Tralee, Kerry, V92 NX94Description:
Refurbishment of ground floor to provide 8 no. bedrooms (9 beds) in existing admin area.
Application No.: -
Extension to JK Dwelling Ballintobeenig, , Abbeydorney, Kerry, V92 PA02Description:
Remove existing extension at rear and construction of new rear extension and front porch to existing dwelling house.
A new house extension Dromin, , Listowel, Kerry, V31 YV82Description:
a new house extension and garage
Site 3 Opt Out Dwelling Woodlawn Road, , Killarney, Kerry,Description:
Two storey semi detached dwelling
Holbein Carpentry & Joinery Ltd. Holbein Carpentry & Joinery Ltd., Gortamullin,, , Kenmare, Kerry, V93YH21Description:
Construction of extensions to an industrial building
Site 2 Opt Out Dwelling Woodlawn Road, , Killarney, Kerry,Description:
Two storey semi detached dwelling.
Dwelling House Carrig Carrig, , Murreagh, Ballydavid, Kerry,Description:
Construct a dwelling house with a connection to the public sewer after onsite treatment, including all necessary site works.