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Cafe & Bakery School at Blennerville Windmill Centre Windmill Lane, , Blennerville, Kerry, V92 NCN2Description:
Refurbishment and upgrade of existing units and café to provide new artisan bakery, café and bakery school and all associated services and site works.
Application No.: -
Kerry Suite Alterations, Kilarney Park Hotel The Killarney Park Hotel, , Killarney, Kerry, V93 CF30Description:
The works covered by this 7-Day Notice include for the alterations to the Kerry Suite at the Killarney Park Hotel, Killarney, Co.Kerry, at first storey, from conference suites and associated sanitary conveniences to four guest bedrooms, aligned with FSC Submission Number 3024188.
Application No.: -
47 Park Drive Killarney Extension 47 Park Drive, , Killarney, Kerry, V93 HC8ADescription:
Construction of a front porch and for the demolition of existing single storey garage, to be rebuilt as two storey extension extending into the rear of the property, consisting of Ground Floor Kitchen and First Floor Bedrooms including elevational alterations to front and rear of existing dwelling and all associated site works
Dwelling House alterations opt out Ballinvosherig west, , Kielduff, Tralee, Kerry, V92 XH7XDescription:
Revise dwelling house design as granted under planning reference 14/177 whereby the original existing dwelling house is to be demolished and replaced with a proposed storey and a half style structure onto the side of the insitu extension as was approved under planning reference 14/177 and construct integrated open sided storage shed.
Redevelopment of Neo-Data Site - Phase 1 Trailhead Facilities Bridge Road, , Listowel, Kerry,Description:
Construction of Trailhead facilities building including lighting, landscaping, provision of amenity space for users of the Greenway including seating, bicycle stands, bicycle repair station, drinking water station and all ancillary site works and services.
Mr. Price Apartments Development Caherciveen Valentia Road, , Caherciveen, Kerry, V23 H952Description:
Conversion of existing Commercial space to Apartments
St Johns NS Kenmare Modular Building Railway Road, , Kenmare, Kerry,Description:
Construction of a single storey modular building contain a Classroom and 2No. SET rooms
Application No.: -
Construction of 6 no. glamping pods Dromatoor, , Ballyheigue, Kerry,Description:
Full planning permission for 6no. glamping pods including connection of the pods to the public foul water system, formation of a new entrance, provision of internal access roadway, parking spaces and all associated ancillary site works and services.
Private Extension Cordal Ballinard, , Cordal, Kerry, v92pc2pDescription:
Private Extension.
New House Ballygamboon Upper, , Castlemaine, Kerry,Description:
Demolish existing derelict single storey farmhouse and construct a new single storey bungalow