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Construction of a new storey and three-quarter style dwelling @ Ballygoley, Riverstown, Dundalk, Co.Louth Ballygoley, , Riverstown, Dundalk, Louth,Description:
Construction of a new dwelling, new entrance to the site, new private water well and wastewater treatment system and percolation area together with all associated site development works @ Ballygoley, Riverstown, Dundalk, Co.Louth
Construction of a single storey garage @ Ballygoley, Riverstown, Dundalk, Co. Louth Ballygoley, , Riverstown, Dundalk, Louth,Description:
Construction of a single storey garage @ Ballygoley, Riverstown, Dundalk, Co. Louth
St Thomas Fields Sports Facility Tibradden Road, , Kilmashogue, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
Construction of a single storey Activities & Administration Building at Tibradden Road Sports Campus, Tibradden Rd, Kilmashogue. The proposed building will provide a Gym/Fitness space, studio spaces, changing facilities, meeting rooms, a club room, consultation rooms, along with a café and other ancillary spaces. ALong with the construction of a single storey Track & Conditioning Enclosure. The proposed building will consist of a running track and conditioning room at Tibradden Road Sports Campus, Tibradden Rd, Kilmashogue, Dublin, D16 T6N2
Side extension to existing dwelling Townley Hall Road, , Tullyallen, Louth, A92 F209Description:
Side extension (sunroom) to existing building.
Proposed two storey and single storey extensions to the side and rear of 73 Trinity Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth 73 Trinity Street, , Drogheda, Louth, A92 PY5NDescription:
Permission for the demolition of a single storey extension to both the rear and side of the property and permission for a two storey extension to the rear of the dwelling house with a single storey extension to the side (east) of the dwelling house inclusive of all associated site development works
Res. extension at 17, Wynberg Park 17 Wynberg Park, , Blackrock, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 P8Y9Description:
a) Flat-roofed, sinqle-storev, qround-floor extensions to the front, side and rear. b) Conversion ofthe side qaraqe to habitable space. c) A first-floor, bedroom, side extension over the converted qaraqe. d) Conversion of the attic with a rear-facing dormer window and roof-light. e) Alterations to the existina roof-line to oermit access to the attic, includino a sidefacinq dormer-effect stairwell window. f) Widening of the front, vehicular entrance. g) All associated site-works.
41 Bellevue Road 41 Bellevue Road, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 X0F2Description:
Extensions and alterations to the existing two-storey semi-detached dwelling
Extension and Renovation of Existing Dwelling Cunningham Road, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 Y2E2Description:
Replacement of the existing kitchen extension internal alterations and general refurbishment of the existing house including essential repairs as required to walls, floors, windows, facades and roofs, associated conservation works and ancillary site works.
17, Laurel Drive, Dundrum, Dublin 14, D14PY29 17 Laurel Drive, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 PY29Description:
Extension to the front, rear and side of house, alteration to all elevational treatments and adjustments to existing driveway and front garden, complete with all associated ancillary and site works.
Domestic residential extension at 44, Carrickbrennan Lawn. 44 Carrickbrennan Lawn, , Monkstown, Dublin, A94 R6C7Description:
Extension and alteration works comprising of a single storey hipped roof extension with rooflight to the front and side of the north east facing elevation and a pitched roof double storey extension with rooflights to the front and side of the east and south east facing elevation over the existing playroom and entrance hall, including all associated alterations, removal and ancillary site works.