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Ballymakenny - 31 Units Phase 1 Remainder 1 Ballymakenny Place, , Drogheda, Louth,Description:
Description of proposed development The proposed development consists of 31no. houses comprising 20no. 2 storey 3-bedroom and 11no. 2 storey 4-bedroom houses (including 11no. 4-bedroom units provided with optional ground floor extensions), and ancillary site development and landscape works including landscaping and 74no. car parking spaces. The proposed development is accessed from the existing Ballymakenny Avenue permitted under Reg. Ref. 22215 which connects to the Ballymakenny Road
Mayoralty Mill Mayoralty Street, , Drogheda, Louth, A92 ADC9Description:
Permission for development at partially Protected Structure Ref. No. DB-008 (NIAH Ref. No. 13622023) and is located within an ACA (Ref. No. 10-North Quay). Development consists of the change of use for entire building as per previous granted permission (Ref. No. 17823) to hostel which includes accommodation, private commercial kitchen, dining and lounge areas and all associated site works.
18 Houses Raynoldstown Village, Dundalk Raynoldstown Village, Haynestown, , Dundalk, Louth,Description:
Construction of 18 number dwelling houses at Raynoldstown Village, Haynestown, Dublin Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Proposed 4no. dwellings at Avenue Road (Nos. 3 & 4 Blakely Mews) Avenue Road, , Dundalk, Louth,Description:
Proposed 4no. two-storey semi-detached dwellings, connection to public services and all necessary site development works at Avenue Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth.(Phase 2. Nos. 3 & 4 Blakely Mews)
1 Detached and 2 Semi-Detached units at Rathmount Rathmount, , Blackrock, Louth,Description:
3 dwellings in a mix of 1 no. 5 bedroom detached and 2 no. 2 bedroom semi-detached units at Rathmount, Blackrock, Co Louth
OGP Greenhills, Drogheda Greenhills, , Drogheda, Louth,Description:
Construction of 46 no. sheltered accommodation, social housing units and all associated ancillary siteworks at Greenhills, Drogheda, Co. Louth.
Ravel Drive, Dunleer Ravel Drive, , Dunleer, Louth,Description:
The construction of 70no. houses including 9no. 2-bed bungalows, 24no. two storey 2-bed houses, 18no. two storey 3-bed houses, 5no. two storey 4-bed houses, and 2no. 3-bed bungalows, and 12no. sheltered accommodation 2-bed bungalows on a site of 3.17 hectares in the townland of Ravel, Dunleer, Co. Louth, and all associated side works and services.
An Mullach Mullavally, , Louth Village, Louth,Description:
The construction of 58no. houses including 8no. 2-bed bungalows, 20no. two storey 2-bed houses, 24no. two storey 3-bed houses, 5no. two storey 4-bed houses, and 1no. 5-bed bungalow, on a site of 3.54 hectares in the townland of Mullavally, Louth Village, Co. Louth and associated siteworks and services.
Bakery View, Ballymakenny Road Bakery View, Ballymakenny Road, , Drogheda, Louth,Description:
The construction of 97no. houses including 12no. 2-bed bungalows, 40no. two storey 2-bed houses, 30no. two storey 3-bed houses, 13no. two storey 4-bed houses, and 2no. 3-bed bungalows on a site of 3.03 hectares in the townland of Yellowbatter at Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda, Co Louth and all associated siteworks and services.
30 Castletown Road 30 Castletown Road, , Dundalk, Louth,Description:
3 no. 2 storey terrace mews dwelling houses, a detached single storey dwelling house, car parking, landscaping and associated site development works