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6931 results

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  • Construct 2 Storey Dwelling at Ardmaghbreague, Kilmainhamwood Ardmaghbreague, , Kilmainhamwood, Meath,

    Construct 2 Storey Dwelling and all associated site development works

    211340 View details
  • Construct Single Storey Dwelling at Athgaine Great, Cortown Athgaine Great, Cortown, , Kells, Meath,

    Construct Single Storey Dwelling and all associated site development works

    24359 View details
  • Construct domestic garage at Cabragh, Carnaross Cabragh, , Carnaross, Meath,

    Construct domestic garage and all associated site development works

    23973 View details
  • Construct a storey and a half type dwelling at Cabragh, Carnaross Cabragh, , Carnaross, Meath,

    Construct a storey and a half type dwelling

    23973 View details
  • Single Storey Domestic Dwelling Moyfeagher, , Ballivor, Meath,

    Permission is being sought to construct a new single storey dwelling with wastewater treatment system and percolation area, garage, relocation of existing agricultural entrance for use as a combined domestic and agricultural entrance and all associated site works.

    24207 View details
  • Construction of dwelling at Piercetown, Garristown, Co. Meath Piercetown, , Garristown, Meath,

    Construction of a two-storey style dwelling at Piercetown, Garristown, Co. Meath

    2460492 View details
  • Brendan Leonard, Construction of residence at Trevet Grange, Dunshauglin, Co. Meath. Trevet Grange,, , Dunshaughlin,, Meath,

    Brendan Leonard, Construction of a residence at Trevet Grange, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath.

    21/2226 View details
  • Proposed Lidl Discount Retail Store, Dunboyne, Co. Meath Main Street, , Dunboyne, Meath,

    The proposed Lidl Discount Retail Store consists of a retail sales area, storage areas, DRS for bottle deposit returns, delivery area, baking preparation area, operations office, meeting room, freezer & chiller units, plant room, IT room, staff areas, customer & staff W.C. facilities, DRS Room for bottle deposits & ancillary raised plant areas. The extremal loading bay area is not covered.

    221509 View details
  • hawkinstown house and garage 2 Hawkinstown, , Puddenhill, Meath,

    dwelling house , detached domestic garage , waste water treatment system and percolation area

    23/636 View details
  • Proposed Standalone Single Storey Sub-station/Switchroom at Lidl Retail Store Development, Dunboyne, Co. Meath. Main Street, , Dunboyne, Meath,

    Proposed stand-alone single storey ESB Sub-station/Switchroom room. circa 22.60m2 gross floor area. The building shall be constructed of masonry concrete block wall construction with a concrete slab roof covering.

    221509 View details



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