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24047 - Starbuck Navan Unit 6, Navan Shopping Centre, Kennedy Road,, , Navan, Meath, C15 RV04Description:
Change of use from office / bank to cafe for sale of food and drinks for consumption within and off the premises internal seating area.
Weaver’s Lane, The Steeples, Commons, Duleek, Co. Meath The Steeples, , Duleek, Meath,Description:
The subject building is a two-storey structure intended for use as a crèche, with a total floor area of 414m². This application pertains to shell and core works only. The building features a primary entrance located on the northwest elevation, along with emergency exits distributed across the other elevations. Additionally, both internal and external staircases provide access to the first floor. Location: Weaver's Lane Crèche within the overall development of 141 houses and creche.
Conor & Fiona Geraghty 43 Eden Court, , Dunshaughlin, Meath, A85 EY15Description:
the construction of a second floor extension to side of dwelling and all ancillary site works.
One off Dwelling at Middle Earth, Baltrasna Lane, Ashbourne, Co. Meath Baltrasna Road, , Ashbourne, Meath,Description:
The development will consist of alterations to previously approved planning reference 21/330 consisting of (1) modifications to the fenestration of the front, side, and rear elevations of the dwelling, (2) the increase in the floor area to the back elevation family room and bedroom at ground level (3) the change of use of the first-floor storage room to a bedroom with additional floor area including an increase in ridge height, (5) the installation of a proprietary wastewater treatment system with percolation area and all associated ancillary site work such as the construction of a proposed soakaway system to BRE Digest 365 and in compliance with previously approved planning reference 21/330.
8 bedroom extension to existing detached guesthouse at Balreask, Navan Trim Road, , Navan, Meath, C15 T0CRDescription:
Construction of a two storey, 8 bedroom extension to existing detached guesthouse at Trim Road, Navan, Co. Meath
James O'Reilly, construction of a residence at Durhamstown, Bohermeen, Navan, Co. Meath. Durhamstown, Bohermeen,, , Navan., Meath,Description:
James O'Reilly, construction of a residence at Durhamstown, Bohermeen, Navan, Co. Meath.
Two storey style dwelling at Garadice, Kilcock for Laurence Roche Garadice, , Kilcock, Meath,Description:
The construction of a two storey style dwelling, a domestic wastewater disposal system, new site entrance and all associated site works.
Costa Coffee Donore - Drive Thru Lane & Associated Upgrades Donore Road, , Drogheda, Meath, A92 C891Description:
Works include the construction of a new drive thru lane and associated drive thru hatch within the in existing car park of Drogheda Retail Park car park. Extension of existing emergency & general lighting, the extension of existing fire alarm, laying of floor finishes, erection of internal stud wall partitions, installation of prefabricated feature joinery items such as coffee counter etc, internal decoration.
Extension and renovation, Arodstown, Summerhill, Co. Meath Moynalvy, , Arodstown, Meath, xxxxDescription:
the development will consist of the demolition of elements of the existing structure, alterations to the existing structure, provision of a new single storey extension, use of the existing structure and extension as a dwelling, new private water well and the provision of a new septic tank and percolation area together with all associated site development works
Detached domestic garage at Garadice, Kilcock for Laurence Roche Garadice, , Kilcock, Meath,Description:
The construction of a detached domestic garage, a domestic wastewater disposal system, new site entrance and all associated site works.