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G282 Construction of new garage at May Haven, Dublin Road, Drogheda, Co. Meath May Haven, Dublin Road, , Drogheda, Meath,Description:
Construction of a single storey detached double garage and all associated siteworks at May Haven, Dublin Road, Painestown, Drogheda, Co. Meath
residential development of 1 house at kilbride co meath kilbride, , Kilbride, Meath,Description:
erection of a single storey detached dwelling of masonry construction with waste water treatment system and percolation area at Kilbride Co. Meath
Two storey detached dwelling Hamwood Stud, Hamwood, Dunboyne, Co Meath Hamwood,, , Dunboyne, Meath,Description:
Two storey detached dwelling Hamwood Stud, Hamwood, Dunboyne, Co Meath.
Construct a two storey dwelling at Cultromer, Drumree Cultromer, , Drumree, Meath,Description:
Construct a two storey dwelling and all associated site development works
Construct Domestic Garage at Yellow Furze, Beauparc Dollardstown TD. Yellow Furze, Beauparc, , Navan, Meath,Description:
Construct Domestic Garage which is not exempt from planning under ref 221058
Construct Single Storey Dwelling at Yellow Furze, Beauparc Dollardstown TD. Yellow Furze, Beauparc, , Navan, Meath,Description:
To construct single storied dwelling house and all associated site development works.
HawkesBay 12 Moatville, , Navan, Meath, C15 HK30Description:
Change of use of entire premises from light industrial unit granted planning permission under register reference no. 00/1050, to a gymnasium/personal training/fitness facility, and planning permission to install window on rear elevation of building to serve as an automatic opening vent in the event of a fire, proposed internal remodelling/alterations to comply with relevant Building Regulations, proposed signage, including all ancillary site works
Eastfield House - proposed extension and renovations to existing dwelling Eastfield House, Friarspark 1st Division,, , Trim, Meath, C15 HD73Description:
The development will consist of the following (a) demolition of existing porch to front and kitchen extension to rear of existing dwelling, construction of new single storey extension to rear, together with new front porch, change of use of existing domestic garage to habitable accommodation, modifications to elevations and existing plan layout, together with connection to existing mains services on site and all associated site works.
New Poultry Unit & Litter store Ballymulmore, , Foxbrook, Meath,Description:
Proposed new free range poultry unit and all ancillary site works
BA1872 - Alterations to industrial unit, Kells Kells Business Park, , Kells, Meath, A82 W3Y4Description:
(A)Alterations to industrial unit consisting of laboratory on ground floor, toilets, staff area and lift, (B) first floor offices, research laboratories and boardroom,(C) New fenestration,(D) display signage.