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Nathan House, Piercetown Nathan House, , Piercetown, Dunboyne, Meath, A86 V067Description:
Construction of a two-storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, the upgrading of the existing treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works at Piercetown, Dunboyne, Co Meath.
extension to house 1 Bellview Court, , Kildalkey, Meath, C15 D9E8Description:
construction of single storey extension of masonry construction to side of existing detached dormer dwelling at no.1 Bellview Court, Kildalkey, Co. Meath C15D9E8
Extension & Renovation at Anneville, Clonard Anneville, , clonard, Meath, A83 F449Description:
planning permission to construct an extension to the side & rear of our existing dwelling to include a hall, 3 bedrooms and a bathroom and to install a suitable onsite Sewerage System With Polishing Filter and decommission existing septic tank & percolation area with all ancillary site works at Anneville, Clonard, Co. Meath A83F449
Development at Laytown, Co. Meath (Community Hub) St Mary’s, Ninch,, , Laytown, Meath,Description:
Phase 2 of development consisting of the community hub at St. Mary's, Ninch, Laytown, Co. Meath
Croyboy House Croyboy, , Mounthevey, Meath,Description:
Constrcution of new storey and a half domentic house extension to existing single storey dwelling
Eoghan's Cottage Old Ross Road, , Navan, Meath, C15 XW82Description:
renovation of old cottage with extension, WWTS as per planning permission
Construction of dwellinghouse at Ballinadrimna Ballinadrimna, , Ballinadrimna, Meath,Description:
Masonry construction of a one and a half storey dwellinghouse and domestic garage at Ballinadrimna, Athboy, Co.Meath.
Detached domestic garage at Castletown, Navan for Stella Fitzmaurice Castletown, , Navan, Meath,Description:
The development will consist of the demolition of the existing boiler shed and domestic garage and the construction of a new domestic garage, the upgrading of the existing site entrance, a revised site layout plan, the decommissioning of the existing domestic septic tank system and the installation of a replacement wastewater disposal system, revised well location along with all associated site works and services.
Front and rear extension to dwelling at Castletown, Navan for Stella Fitzmaurice Castletown, , Navan, Meath, C15 EP21Description:
the development will consist of the construction of an extension to the front and rear along with renovations and alterations to the existing single storey dwelling. The construction of a single storey family flat extension also to the rear of the existing single storey dwelling. The upgrading of the existing site entrance, a revised site layout plan, the decommissioning of the existing domestic septic tank system and the installation of a replacement wastewater disposal system, revised well location along with all associated site works and services.
Donacarney Village Square Block 1 (Top Floor) Donacarney Village Square, , Donacarney, Meath,Description:
1) Amendments to previously permitted roof shape to include the addition of six one-bed apartments at third floor level, and 2) minor changes to the permitted ground floor plan to reduce the retail area by 23.4sq. meters to facilitate storage for the proposed residential units