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Knockmark, Drumree, Co. Meath Knockmark, Drumree, meathDescription:
storey and a half dormer style dwelling, garage, bored well, shared entrance with existing adjacent , to replace existing entrance and connection to public sewage
4 The Bailey 4 The Bailey, Ashbourne, meathDescription:
Development will consist of 1. Removal of existing conservatory extension to rear. 2. The construction of a side and front extension to consist of a kitchen/utility, dining room and bathroom with a pitched roof above and a front extension to consist of a bedroom with a pitched roof above. 3. Front porch extension to consist of a flat roof above. 4. General internal house upgrade and part remodelling of walls to suit new floor layout. All drainage, structural and associated site works to be implemented
New prefabricated units at O'Carolan College, Nobber, Co. Meath R162, Nobber, meathDescription:
The provision of 4 no. prefabricated classroom units, 1 no. resource room and 1 no. toilet block to south side of the existing school building together with all associated site works at O'Carolan College, Nobber, Co. Meath
Agricultural Development at Harmonstown, Stackallen Harmonstown, Stackallen, meathDescription:
(1) Construction of an agricultural shed to incorporate a slatted area, underground slurry storage tank, cubicle accommodation, feed and link passages, loose bedded areas and calving pen areas and (2) Construction of an overground slurry storage tank. (3) Completion of all ancillary site works
St Patricks N.S. - Castletown Leggagh, castletown, meathDescription:
to replace the existing asphalt flat roofs with pitched roofs and concrete tiles including storm drainage and all other associated site works drainage
Irish Cement Reception Platin Works Duleek Road, Drogheda, meathDescription:
Minor alterations of partitions to accommodate larger reception area
House & detached garage for Harry Newman & Nessa McDonagh at Kilmainham, Kells, Co. Meath Kilmainham, Kells, meathDescription:
Erection of two storey dwelling & detached garage with private for Harry Newman & Nessa McDonagh at Kilmainham, Kells, Co. Meath, including all associated site works including installation of wastewater treatment system.
Dwellinghouse at Anneville, Clonard, Enfield, Co. Meath Clonard, Enfield, meathDescription:
Demolition of existing single storey dwelling and the construction of a new storey and a half style replacement dwelling, a detached domestic garage and upgrade from existing septic tank to a proprietary domestic effluent treatment system
Eamonn Martin 99 Betaghstown Wood , Bettystown, meathDescription:
Demolition of fire damaged single storey play room and utility room located at the side of the dwelling and reconstruction of same to match existing finishes along with all associated site development works.
Application No.: -
Extension at Lagore Little Lagore Little, Ratoath, meathDescription:
Extension and refurbishment of a dwelling proeprty