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Ballymad, Smithstown, Drogheda, Co Meath Ballymad, Smithstown, Drogheda, meathDescription:
A single courtyard dwelling with two-storey section to the rear, carport and separate outbuilding, a proprietary wastewater treatment system and percolation area, proposed widening of existing entrance and all associated site works at Ballymad, Smithstown, Drogheda, Co Louth.
Extension Drumee, , , Meath,Description:
Extension to side & rear of house
Extension 47 Old Fair Green, , Dunboyne, Meath,Description:
Two storey kitchen & bedroom extension
One off residential dwelling at Fordstown Navan Co Meath Fordstown, Navan, meathDescription:
Construction of one off dwelling at Fordstown Navan Co Meath and ancillary site works.
Millbourne - Phase 2 Nos. 68, 70, 72, 74, 76 to 83 inc., 85 & 87 Millbourne Drive, Ashbourne, meathDescription:
Construction of 5 No. House Type Q, 8 No. House Type R & 1 No. House Type S at Nos. 68, 70, 72, 74, 76 to 83 inc., 85 & 87 Millbourne Drive, Ashbourne, Co. Meath.
Extension at Bodeen, Ratoath, Co. Meath Bodeen, Ratoath, meathDescription:
demolition of the existing single storey north/south wing to the front and construction of a new part single storey/part storey and a half north east/south west wing extension with pitched roof to the front of the existing dwelling to remain together with internal alterations of retained dwelling, provision of a new waste water treatment plant and associated percolation area, ancillary site works, landscaping and site drainage
Dwelling at Castlemartin, Navan Castlemartin, Navan, meathDescription:
Construction of a storey and a half dwellinghouse, wastewater treatment system and percolation area to EPA regulations, connection to existing mains water, entrance onto public roadway and all ancillaries
Proposed Extension to Existing Building. Ballinlough, Dunshaughlin, meathDescription:
Development will consist of the following: (A) To construct a single storied extension to the side of our dwelling and to carry out alterations which will include the taking down of an existing chimney stack, removing existing concrete roof tiles and replacing with slates and to re-plaster the exterior of the dwelling. (B) To construct a boiler and services shed. (C) To install a proprietary waste water treatment unit and percolation area.
Proposed dormer style dwelling at Harristown, Kilcloon, Co Meath Harristown, Kilcloon, meathDescription:
To demolish the existing single storey four bed dwelling & also to demolish existing non habitable sheds & decommission the existing septic tank, as shown on site plans, also to build a new four bed one & a half storey dormer type dwelling together with new domestic garage on the existing site, to include all ancillary site works & to make connection of foul sewer to the existing Local Authority foul sewer in the locality at Harristown, Kilcloon, Co Meath
Extension to Dwelling at Drumlargan, Kilcock Drumlargan, Kilcock, meathDescription:
Construction of a first floor extension over existing single storey dwelling which will result in the creation of a storey and a half dwelling inclusive of amending of roof profile to existing projecting gable to front and construction of a new single storey porch to existing dwelling, upgrade existing septic tank system with new Tricell wastewater treatment system, new soil polishing filter and all associated site works