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3280 results

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  • Development of 47 No. Dwelling Units at Spancel Rise, Fairfield Road, Fairfield, Blackpool, Cork Fairfield Road, , Blackpool, Cork,

    The construction of 9 No. dwellinghouses, consisting of units 39 to 43 (Terrace Block B) & units 44-47 (Terrace Block A) and all associated site works at Spancel Rise, Fairfield Road, Fairfield, Blackpool, Cork.

    ABP 309372-21 View details
  • Residential Development (Phase 2) of 4 apartments at Ballincolly Road, Ballincolly, Ballyvolane, Cork Ballincolly Road, Ballincolly, , Ballyvolane, Cork, Cork,

    Residential Development (Phase 2) of 4 apartments at Ballincolly Road, Ballincolly, Ballyvolane, Cork. Construction of a 2 storey apartment block containing 2 no. 1 bed ground floor apartments and 2 no. 1 bed first floor apartments.

    24/42588 View details
  • Construction of five storey building for 14 no. apartments (no's 1-14) at Wood Hill Apartments, Glenmont, Silversprings, Tivoli, 1-14 Wood Hill Apartments, Glenmont,, , Silversprings, Tivoli, Cork, Cork,

    Construction of five storey building for 14 no. apartments (no's 1-14) at Wood Hill Apartments, Glenmont, Silversprings, Tivoli, Cork

    1938735 View details
  • Douglas Village Shopping Centre UNIT 3&4 DOUGLAS VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTRE, , Cork, Cork, T12 CFY7

    Material changes of purpose of retail units 3&4 to shop and storage, including related material changes

    Application No.:
    View details
  • WK10244 - Extension at Analore, Blackrock Road Analore, Castle Road, , Blackrock, Cork, T12 D6NA

    (A) Partial demolition of two-storey rear return to the western end of the south/rear elevation of existing house (NIAH Reg. No. 20868098), (B) Demolition of existing two-storey modern extension and single-storey flat roof extension with low height adjoining masonry wall (overall demolition area=87.20 m.sq), (C) Removal and relocation of existing rear skylight, (D) Construction of a new single and two-storey flat roof extension with glass canopy over open atrium, (E) Associated roof alterations and repairs to existing building, and (F) All associated site and landscape works.

    2342414 View details
  • New Apartment Block Units 1 to 24 at Lower Friars Walk, Ballyphehane, Cork. Lower Friars Walk, Ballyphehane, , Cork, Cork,

    Construction of a new apartment block with 24 apartments at Lower Friars Walk, Ballyphehane, Cork. [Unit Nos 1 to 24]

    ABP-312609-22 [2140066] View details
  • 24129 Proposed Dwelling Garland Saint Ann's Hill, , Tower, Cork, T23 CD79

    The demolition of an existing cottage and for the construction of a new dormer style dwelling with connection to mains sewer and all associated site development works.

    23/42258 View details
  • Construction of a 1 Dwelling house and all ancillary site works The Acres, Brooklodge, , Glanmire, Cork,

    Construction of 1 No Detached Dwelling and all associated site works at Site 1 The Acres, Brooklodge, Glanmire, Co. Cork. Planning Register 24/42897.

    24/42897 View details
  • 3 The Vicarage, Castletreasure, Douglas, Cork 3 The Vicarage, Castletreasure, Douglas, Cork, , Cork, Cork, T12 YX4A

    Permission for construction of a one-storey addition to the north and west side of existing extension to the rear of the dwelling house with proposed skylight, demolition of existing extension to the rear of the dwelling house , demolition of existing roof structure over the open shed to the west side of the existing dwelling house , alterations to existing dwelling house.

    2240999 View details
  • Development at 1-40, The Orchard, 1-10 & 16-34, The Oaks, 1-20, The Grove & 51-72, The Willows, Carleton, Castletreasure, Cork Castletreasure, , Cork, Cork,

    Residential Development at 1-40, The Orchard, 1-10 & 16-34, The Oaks, 1-20, The Grove & 51-72, The Willows, Carleton, Castletreasure. Large-Scale Residential Development (LRD) at Castletreasure, Moneygumey and Maryborough (townlands), Douglas, Cork. The development will consist of: the demolition of an existing dwelling house and associated agricultural outbuildings and the construction of a mixed-use residential development of 580 no. residential units consisting of 263 no. dwelling houses and 317 no. apartment/duplex units and all ancillary site development works. The proposed development also includes a 2-storey 122 no. child capacity creche and a 2-storey mixed­ use building with retail and cafe uses at ground floor and 2 no. commercial/retail service units at first floor level. The 263 no. dwelling houses will include 88 no. 4 bedroom semi­ detached dwelling houses, 4 no. 4 bedroom townhouses, 136 no. 3 bedroom semi­ detached dwelling houses,18 no. 3 bedroom townhouses and 17 no. 2 bedroom townhouses. The proposed 317 no. apartment/duplex units will include 8 no. 3 bedroom units, 218 no. 2 bedroom units and 91 no. 1 bedroom units to be provided in 27 no. apartment/duplex buildings ranging in height from 2-4 storeys over basement. The proposed development makes provision for the construction of a section and extension of the Ballybrack Valley Pedestrian & Cycle Route and for pedestrian and cycle connections to the proposed Ballybrack Valley Pedestrian & Cycle Route. The proposed development also includes minor modifications to the residential development to the north permitted by An Bord Pleanala reference 304367-19, which include amendments to the permitted boundary treatments, public open space and the creation of vehicular, pedestrian and cycle connections. Access to the proposed development will be via a proposed vehicular bridge over the Moneygumey Stream to a new junction on the existing Carr's Hill/Carrigaline Road (R609). An alternative access to the lands is also proposed and which integrates with the Carr's Hill/Carrigaline Road (R609) upgrades and Carr's Hill Junction pennitted by the M28 Cork to Ringaskiddy Motorway Scheme (An Bord Pleanala References 04.HA0053 and 04.MA0014) which will be implemented once the M28 Motorway scheme is operational. Ancillary site works include the provision of bicycle parking and bin storage facilities, landscaping and servicing proposals including the diversion of existing underground service infrastructure and the delivery of upgrades to the footpath and foul sewer network on Carr's Hill/Carrigaline Road (R609)

    24/42632 View details



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