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Construction of 26 no. dwelling houses at 1-26 Woodfield, Coolroe, Ballincollig, Co. Cork 1-26 Woodfield, Coolroe,, , Ballincollig, Cork,Description:
Construction of 26 no. dwelling houses at 1-26 Woodfield, Coolroe, Ballincollig, Co. Cork
Residential Development (Phase 1) of 3 houses at Ballincolly Road, Ballincolly, Ballyvolane, Cork Ballincolly Road, Ballincolly, , Ballyvolane, Cork, Cork,Description:
Residential Development (Phase 1) of 3 houses at Ballincolly Road, Ballincolly, Ballyvolane, Cork. Construction of 3 no. 2-storey 3 bed detached dwelling houses and all associated ancillary site development works.
Belview Wood, Moneygurney - Phase 2a Belview Wood, Maryborough Ridge, Moneygurney, , Douglas, Cork,Description:
The construction of 121 no. 2/3 storey dwelling houses and associated site works. This is Phase 2a of a multi-phase development consisting of the construction of a total of 447 no residential units (313 houses, 134 apartments), creche & associated site works.
Extension to St Mary’s, Upper Convent Road St. Mary's, Upper Convent Road, Blackrock, , Cork, Cork, T12 N6K5Description:
Demolition of existing single storey extension, internal refurbishment, elevational alterations including new windows and render and development of a new two storey extension to the existing dwelling.
Strategic Residential Development (472 residential units & creche) at Castletreasure, Douglas Cork (Phase 2 58no.houses) Castletreasure/Mayborough (townland) Carr's Hill/Carrigaline Road (R609), , Douglas,, Cork,Description:
Construction of 58no. dwelling units & associate site works. This commencement notice covers dwellings No. 1-30 Bayly Close, 1-12 Bayly Way, 14-25 Bayly Way & 5-8 Bayly Court
Residential Development of 31 houses at Ballycannon, Kerrypike, Cork Ballycannon, , Kerry Pike, Cork, Cork,Description:
Residential Development of 31 houses at Ballycannon, Kerrypike, Cork. Construction of 11 no. 4 bed dwellings, 18 no. 3 bed dwellings, 2 no. 2 bed dwellings configured in a mix of terraced, semi-detached and detached units.
Meadow Brome Cooney's Lane Cooneys Lane, Grange, Douglas, , Cork City, Cork,Description:
Meadow Brome Phase 2A & 3A - Construction of 37 no. Dwellings No's 26-36, 144-151, 157-166, 15-20, and 170 & 171 which has been permitted under An Bord Pleanala Ref : ABP3033098-18 and all ancillary site development works.
New ramp access HSE Aras Slainte, Wilton Road, , Cork, Cork, T12 XRR0Description:
Removal of existing ramp, existing handrails, existing steps and reinstatement of a new ramp, new handrails and new steps
Residential Development (Phase 1) of 32 houses at Rathpeacon, Killeens, Cork Rathpeacon Road, , Killeens, Cork, Cork,Description:
Construction of 4 no. 4 bed semi-detached dwellings, 14 no. 3 bed semi-detached/terraced dwellings, 14 no. 2 bed terraced dwellings and all associated ancillary site development works.
New dwelling at Rathmacullig East, Cork Rathmacullig East, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Construction of new dwelling at Rathmacullig East, Cork