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Carmelite Place Carmelite Place, Western Road, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Construction of new 3-storey buildings for 14nr dwellings.
Extension and new roof 8 Post Office Avenue, , Blackrock, Cork, T12 A8HKDescription:
First floor extension and change of roof from flat roof to pitched roof
Extension and Detached Garage, The Barn, Faggot Hill The Barn, Faggot Hill, Clogheen,, , Cork, Cork, T23 XH76Description:
Demolition of adjoining garage and office, elevational alterations including: new bay window extension to south elevation, alter hipped roof, all to existing dwelling. Construction of new two storey extension and new detached garage. New waste water treatment system and all ancillary site works at Faggot Hill, Clogheen, Co. Cork.
New dwelling at 10A Rathmore Lawn, South Douglas Road, Cork 10A Rathmore Lawn, , South Douglas Road, Cork,Description:
Construction of a new dwelling, a new vehicular entrance and all associated site works.
C1019 - The Grove 11 The Grove, Gleann Na Ri, Tower, , Blarney, Cork, T23 XD78Description:
Construction of a single storey rear extension to existing semi-detached single storey dwelling along with any associated site works As per Planning
C1144 - The Vicarage 1 The Vicarage, Carr's Hill, , Cork, Cork, T12 P9VKDescription:
Alterations and extension to existing detached multi-storey dwelling.
Application No.: -
C1123 - Browningstown 14 Browningstown Park East, Douglas Road, , Cork, Cork, T12 F6K2Description:
Construction of alterations & extensions to two storey semi-detached dwelling consisting of: a ground floor rear extension, a first floor side & rear extension and any associated site works, as per planning
C1169 - Lime Trees Road 29 Lime Trees Road, Maryborough Estate, Douglas, , Cork, Cork, T12 F9TNDescription:
Construction of alterations & extension to two storey semi-detached dwelling consisting of: Demolition of rear attached garage, construction of first floor side/rear extension & ground floor side/part rear extension, elevational changes along with all associated site works including widening existing entrance as per planning
House Extension @ Westgrove, Douglas 4 The View, Westgrove, , Douglas, Cork, T12 NY6CDescription:
Alterations and extension to existing dwelling
2 Story Dwelling at Raheen, Carrigrohane, Cork Raheen, , Carrigrohane Cork, Cork,Description:
Construction of a two storey dwelling, site entrance, domestic garage, sewerage treatment system and associated site works At Raheen, Carrigrohane, Cork.