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1 no. House Extension and Alteration 7 Ardfoyle Avenue, Ballintemple, , Cork, Cork, T12 XH2VDescription:
The demolition of the following to an existing two-storey dwelling house: (a) the first-floor rear extension, (b) single-storey side and rear lean-to roofs, and (c) the partial demolition of the single-storey rear extension. Also, the construction of a two-storey side and rear extension, a single-storey rear extension, alterations to the existing side and rear elevations, and all associated site works.
Treelands Laurel Bank Model Farm Road Treelands, Laurel Bank, , Model Farm Road, Cork, T12R8YYDescription:
Conversion of existing garage to living space, construction of first-floor side extension over converted garage, construction of single-storey side extension, application of external wall insulation and sundry alterations together with all associated siteworks.
Howdens Joinery Fit Out - Blackpool Cork Unit 18, North Point Business Park, New Mallow Road,, , Cork, Cork, T23 Y921Description:
Fit-out of an existing two-storey warehouse with first floor being a mezzanine area, to include a trade counter area, ancillary offices and meeting rooms, staff facilities, and storage areas to the ground floor, with further storage to the mezzanine area. The property’s main entrance is provided at street level along the West elevation facing the car park.
Application No.: -
Opt Out - Construction of extension to dwelling at Lilly Cottage, Rocklodge, Carrigrohane Cork Lilly Cottage, Rocklodge, , Carrigrohane, Cork, T12 EDT7Description:
Opt Out - Construction of split-level rear extension to dwelling house, install new wastewater treatment system and all associated ancillary site works at the site at Lilly Cottage, Rocklodge, Carrigrohane, Cork. Planning Reg 21/40612
Extension of 10 Waterloo Road 10 WATERLOO ROAD, , BLARNEY, Cork, T23 KV5YDescription:
Construction of an extension to side/rear of existing dwelling house, alterations to existing elevations, the installation of a new waste water treatment system and all associated works.
Portneys Lane 16 Portneys Lane Cornmarket Street, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Construction of a 3-storey, 3 bedroom townhouse
Construction Of A First Floor Extension To Rear Of Dwelling At 28 Marble Park Riverstown Glanmire Cork 28 Marble Park Riverstown, , Glanmire, Cork, T45 EE94Description:
Construction Of A First Floor Extension To Rear Of Dwelling At 28 Marble Park Riverstown Glanmire Cork
1 no. House Extension and Alteration 12 Bishopscourt Road, Bishopstown, Cork, Cork, T12 E9XTDescription:
The construction of a new first-floor side extension to an existing dwelling house, and all associated site works.
Extension - 20 Clifton Avenue, Montenotte, Cork City 20 Clifton Avenue, , Montenotte, Cork, T23 KC6FDescription:
Construction of single storey extensions to the side and rear of dwelling and alterations to side of the existing house. Construction of a new vehicular entrance which involves widening and repositioning of pillar and all associated site development works.
Ballycannon, Kerrypike Ballycannon, , Kerrypike, Cork,Description:
Construction of 59 dwellings including all ancillary site works.