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C1127 - Sunberry Castlewood house, Sunberry drive, Blarney, , Cork, Cork, T23 YR71Description:
alterations and extensions to two-storey detached dwelling, consisting of a ground floor rear extension, elevational changes and associated site works, as per planning
WK11020 - Extension at 18 Newenham Drive 18 Newenham Drive, Rochestown Road,, , Douglas, Cork, T12 YAT2Description:
Permission for alterations and extensions to an existing dwelling including (1) A part 2-storey and part single-storey extension to the side and rear of the dwelling, (2) Elevational alterations to the existing dwelling including revisions to existing openings and new openings added to the front and on both sides, a porch canopy added over the main entrance and the removal of a chimney, (3) Demolition of an existing shed/ greenhouse structure on the site and demolition of an existing single-storey rear extension to the dwelling and (5) All other associated site works.
Construction of a dormer style dwelling 13A Dunlocha Cottages, Rope Walk, Blackrock,, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Construction of a dormer-style dwelling and ancillary works at 13A Dunlocha Cottages, Rope Walk, Blackrock, Cork.
C1099 - Monfield 9 Monfield, Rochestown, , Cork, Cork, T12 VXR0Description:
alterations and extensions to two-storey semi-detached dwelling consisting of: a ground floor rear extension, a front porch, elevational changes, and all associated site works, as per planning.
Extension Glenart, Dunmore Lawn GLENART, DUNMORE LAWN,, , BOREENMANNA ROAD, Cork, T12 A3P6Description:
Construction of a one-storey addition with skylight to the rear of the existing dwelling house, one-storey addition with new porch to the front of the existing dwelling house, closing off the existing balcony at first-floor level to the front of the existing house with new roof above, proposed rooflight to the attic to the back of the existing roof, demolition of existing boiler room and existing garage/shed, alterations to existing dwelling including new windows and doors, widening the existing vehicular site entrance with new proposed mechanized sliding gate and all associated site works.
First floor bathroom extension 95 Ballyhooly Road, , Cork, Cork, T23 XV0CDescription:
Construction of first floor bathroom extension
Coolavin, Menloe Gardens, Blackrock Rd Coolavin, Menloe Gardens, Blackrock Road, , Cork, Cork, T12 N2Y8Description:
New Extension to side of Existing House
Birchley Model Farm Road 8 Birchley Model Farm Road Carrigrohane, , Cork, Cork, T12 PWV8Description:
Alterations to existing two storey detached dwelling, including new roof to porch, external insulation to existing elevations, alterations to windows and doors and all associated site works.
Fit-out of vacant commercial unit at 92 North Main Street for use as retail premises. Coleman Court, 92 North Main Street, , Cork, Cork, T12 VW52Description:
Material change of use from assembly and recreation as per the granted FSC (FSC 2106724CY/DN) to retail and associated material alteration to a commercial unit at 92 North Main Street, Cork City
Application No.: -
First Floor House Extension 36 Manor Hill, Ballincollig, , Cork, Cork, P31 VE80Description:
First Floor Extension to side of existing dwelling at 36 Manor Hill,Ballincollig