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33 Marlboro Street, Cork 33 Marlboro Street, , Cork, Cork, T12 P972Description:
Material change of use of existing commercial premises at first and second floor levels to 2 No. residential studio apartments. 33 Marlboro Street, Cork.
Application No.: -
Construction of 22 dwelling homes at Drumvane Wood, Minister's Cross, Model Farm Road, Cork. 1-22 Drumvane Wood, Minister's Cross,, , Model Farm Road, Cork,Description:
The construction of 22 no. dwelling houses and all ancillary site development works. The proposed development consists of the construction of 2 no. 4 bedroom detached dwelling houses, 18 no. 4 bedroom semi-detached dwelling houses and 2 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached dwelling houses. Ancillary site works include landscaping and servicing proposals and the provision of a public footpath along the sites roadside boundary. Pedestrian and vehicular access to the proposed development will be provided via 3 no. new entrances from the L-2216 road.
New Dwelling House at Somerton Park 45 Somerton Park, Ballinlough Road, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Permission for demolition of existing single-storey extension to rear of existing dwelling and construction of a new two-storey dwelling attached to side of existing dwelling including widening of existing driveway to 3m, along with all associated site works.
Ráthard Modified Layout - Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, Cork Ráthard - Longview Estates, , Ballyvolane, Cork,Description:
Construction of neighbourhood 2 of Longview Estates (Ráthard) per granted layout modifications pertaining to addresses 39-41 Ráthard Park, and 21, 24, 41 Ráthard Lawn, and associated site works.
7-11 Rathárd Avenue - Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, Cork Ráthard - Longview Estates, , Ballyvolane, Cork,Description:
Construction of addresses 7-11 Ráthard Avenue to be completed as part of neighbourhood 2 of Longview Estates (Ráthard), and associated site works.
WK10562 Alterations to Existing Dwelling Elma, 37 Browningstown Park West, Douglas Road, , Cork, Cork, T12 X2N2Description:
the following works to existing dwelling (A) Demolish garage to side, and the single - storey extensions to the side and rear, (B) Construct two - storey extension to the side and rear, (C) Construct a single - storey extension to the re ar, (D) All associated site development works
Site A, Castletreasure Donnybrook Hill, Castletreasure, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Erection of one number two-storey detached dwelling of masonry construction with on-site tertiary waste water treatment system.
Change of Use of Flower Shop to Dwelling at Sundays Well, Cork Sundays Well Road, , Cork, Cork, T23 RF67Description:
Demolition of roof and signage, change of use of flower shop to residential dwelling, construction of 1st floor extension with flat roof, elevational changes to provide a bedroom on the ground floor and kitchen, living and dining room on first floor extension
1 No. Temporary Classroom Accommodation & Associated Site Works at Gaelscoil na Dúglaise, Willow Park, South Douglas Road, Cork Gaelscoil na Dúglaise, Willow Park, South Douglas Road, Cork, Cork, T12 D702Description:
Provision of 1 no. temporary classroom accommodation unit and all ancillary site works at Gaelscoil na Dúglaise, Willow Park, South Douglas Road, Cork.
Application No.: -
Construct a Storage Building (Building B) at MD O Shea & Sons, Link Road, Carrigrohane, Ballincollig, Cork MD O Shea & Sons, Link Road, Carrigrohane, , Ballincollig, Cork,Description:
Construct a Storage Building (Building B) at MD O Shea & Sons, Link Road, Carrigrohane, Ballincollig, Cork