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Block 10, Jacob's Island, Mahon, Cork - Bike Store Block 10 Jacob's Island, Mahon, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Block 10, Jacob's Island, Mahon, Cork - Bike Store: Construction of 1no. Bike Store at The Crawford Centre Jacob’s Island Mahon Cork, and all associated site development works.
Extension & Renovation @ 17 Beaumont Lawn, Ballintemple, Cork 17 Beaumont Lawn, Ballintemple, , Cork, Cork, T12 AD6CDescription:
Alterations and extensions to existing semi-detached single-storey dwelling consisting of: Convert existing attic space to habitable accommodation, construct two-storey extension to side/rear, alterations to existing elevations, new entrance porch to front elevation and all ancillary site development works
Site to the Rear of The Acres, Brooklodge, Glanmire, Cork. Site of the rear of The Acres, Brooklodge,, , Glanmire, Cork,Description:
Construction of dwelling house, new site entrance and associated site works
Dun Padraig Dun Padraig 15 Bishopstown Avenue Model Farm Road Glasheen, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Permission for the demolition of attached garage to side of existing dwelling, existing chimneys, single-storey rear extension and existing pitched roof and for the construction of a new part 2-storey extension to the front, side and rear of existing dwelling, new extension to the north side, new pitched roof including 2 no. dormer windows and 3 no. rooflights for second floor attic conversion along with all elevational alterations. Other works include widening of existing vehicular entrance, associated drainage, landscaping and all associated site development works.
installation of 2 no. heat pumps on the roof of the UCC Pharmacy Building UCC Pharmacy Building, College Road, Cork, , Cork, Cork, XXXDescription:
installation of 2 no. heat pumps on the roof of the UCC Pharmacy Building
Unit 16 to 18 Ground Floor Mahon Point Shopping Centre Unit 16 to 18 Mahon Point Shopping Centre, , Cork, Cork, T12 R627Description:
The proposed works consist of material alterations to existing retail unit 16 to 18 located at ground floor level in Mahon Point Shopping Centre. The wall between both Units is to be removed and a larger single Retail Unit is to be created for occupancy by JD Sports.
Application No.: -
C1150 Mizen Mizen, 75 Woodvale Road, Beaumont, , Cork, Cork, T12 H6TCDescription:
Demolition of 2 no. single-storey extensions to side and rear of existing dwelling; Construction of new single - storey rear and side extension, elevational changes, raised patio area to the rear along with all associated site works as per planning
Barretts Lane Residential Development 71 Barrett's Lane, Bishopstown, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Construction of a two-storey residential development comprising a total of 8 no. apartments as per FSC.
extension 15 Alderbrook leheneaghmore Togher t12 PT7k 15 Alderbrook Lehenaghmore Togher, , Togher, Cork, T12 PT7KDescription:
extension 15 Alderbrook leheneaghmore Togher t12 PT7k
Extension to No. 50 Ardfallen Estate, Ballinlough, Cork 50 Ardfallen Estate, Ballinlough, , Cork, Cork, T12 E7P2Description:
Construction of a single storey extension to the side and rear of an existing dwelling along with all associated site works.