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Mapleholme Extension Maplehlolme, College Road, Cork, cork, T12 D5W9Description:
Demolition of existing side extension and garden shed, construction of new single-storey side and rear extension on eastern side of house together with all associated site works
Proposed Residential Development for 25No. Units at Scairt, Greenvalley, Douglas, Cork Scairt, Greenvalley, Douglas, corkDescription:
Proposed Construction of a Residential Development consisting of 25No. Units and associated site works at Scairt, Greenvalley, Douglas, Cork
Opt out - Construction of dwelling and adjoining garage at Classis, Ovens, Cork Classis,, Ovens,, corkDescription:
Opt Out - Construction of new two-storey dwelling with adjoining garage and all associated site works at Classis, Ovens, Co. Cork. Planning Reg. 23/42304
Horgans Quay Residential Development Horgan's Quay and Railway Street, , Cork, Cork,Description:
The Horgan’s Quay residential development at Railway Street, Cork City will consist of A) the construction of a 7-10 storey, 302 apartment development with ground floor residential amenity areas, management suite and a grey box creche and five grey box retail units. B) the construction of a covered car park, and ancillary rooms e.g ESB station, switch rooms, comms room, generator room, plant rooms, car parking, bicycle parking and communal bin stores, under a landscaped podium level C)Refurbishment of an existing Protected Structure, the Station Masters Building, to provide amenity space for the residential building. D) associated site works including new site entrance.
Glenmore heights Lehenaghmore Glenmore heights Lehenaghmore Togher road , Cork, corkDescription:
Construction of 45 No. units comprising of: - 14 no. 3-bedroom, semi-detached houses, 21 no. 3-bedroom, townhouses, 10 no. 2-bedroom, townhouses, Provision of 87 no. parking spaces. All ancillary site works and signage as outlined in the plans and particulars.
2116 Carraig Dun Rathpeacon, Killeens, corkDescription:
the construction of 10 no. dwelling houses and associated site development works
MOUNT DESERT LEE ROAD Mount Desert Lee Road, Carrigrohane, corkDescription:
Construction of two-storey detached dwelling and all ancillary site works at Mount Desert, Lee Road, Cork
Opt Out- New dwelling- 1 Ballincolly Road, Ballincolly, Ballyvolane, Cork 1 Ballincolly Road, Ballincolly,, Ballyvolane , corkDescription:
Opt Out- Construction of a dwelling house, new entrance and all associated , ancillary site works
Madore, Blackrock Road, Cork, T12X76R Madore, Blackrock Road , Cork, cork, T12 X76RDescription:
Demolition of existing 2-storey rear extension and construction of a new replacement 2-storey rear extension and site development works
Ráthard - Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, Cork Ráthard - Longview Estates, , Ballyvolane, Cork,Description:
Construction of neighbourhood 2 of Longview Estates (Ráthard) consisting of addresses 13-53 Ráthard Park, 9-47 Ráthard Lawn, 17-55 Ráthard Drive, 1-6 & 12-28 Ráthard Avenue, and associated site works.