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WK10925 Extension @ 'Glencairn', Cross Douglas Rd 'Glencairn', Cross Douglas Road, Cork, cork, T12 T9R7Description:
Alterations and extensions to existing semi-detached two storey dwelling consisting of: Demolition of existing single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling; Construction of a single storey extension to side & rear of existing dwelling, Internal alterations and all ancillary site development works.
Longview Park - Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, Cork Longview Park - Longview Estates, , Ballyvolane, Cork,Description:
Construction of dwellings 1-66 Longview Park, consisting of 4 no. two-storey detached houses, 8 no. three-storey detached houses, 44 no. two-storey semi-detached houses, 6 no. three-story semi-detached houses, 4 no. two-story terraced houses in one block of four, and associated site works.
Site A, Castletreasure Donnybrook Hill, Castletreasure, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Erection of one number two-storey detached dwelling of timber frame and masonry construction with on-site tertiary waste water treatment system.
Redforge Road SHD Residential Development Blocks A & B Former Millfield Service Station, Redforge Road, Mallow Road, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Demolitions of existing structures' on site and construction of 114 no. Build to Rend Apartments (Comprising a mix of 1 and 2 bed apartments) in 2 no. Blocks ranging in height from 4 to 9 storeys, 1 no. retail unit, residential amenity facilities including a reception, residents' gym, lounge area and shared workspace and all associated ancillary site works.
Renovation: 1 Military Road, St. Luke's, Cork 1 Military Road, St. Luke's, , Cork, Cork, T23 N4V9Description:
Renovation of existing 1850’s property and 1980’s ground floor rear extension No. 1 Military Road, St. Luke's, Cork, T23 N4V9.
Application No.: -
WK10747 - Extension to Dwelling at Rathanker Rathanker, Passage West, cork, T12 K1HHDescription:
Ground floor and first floor extensions to a single storey detached dwelling.
Ardrostig - Block 8 Block 8, Ardrostig, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown, corkDescription:
Construction of a four-storey residential building comprising 27 self-contained apartment units and a ground floor commercial unit at Ardrostig, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown, Cork. [Block 8]
Block D2 - Duplexes at Cooney's Lane, Grange, Cork Block D2, Meadow Brome, , Grange, Douglas, corkDescription:
Block D2 Meadow Brome - The construction of 12 No. Apartments, consisting of 6 ground floor and 6no. duplex apartments above (No's 223-234) at Cooney's Lane, Grange, Cork and all ancillary site works.
Extension at Rozelle, Menloe Gardens, Blackrock, Cork rozelle, menloe gardens, Blackrock, Cork, cork, T12 K8Y1Description:
Extension to Existing Dwelling
Dwelling House at Cloghphilip Cloghphilip, Tower, corkDescription:
construction of new dwelling house, wastewater treatment system together with all other ancillary site works.