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Alterations and extension to dwelling house 8 Elton Lawn, Bishopstown, Cork, cork, T12 EYT4Description:
Permission for proposed alterations and extension to existing single-storey dwelling at 8 Elton Lawn, Bishopstown, Cork, T12EYT4. Works to include: (1) Demolition of existing single-storey extension to rear; (2) Construction of new single-storey extension to rear and side; (3) Minor alterations to existing elevations, including demolition of one chimney stack; the amalgamation of part of the existing enclosed front porch into the house floor plan; (4) Construction of new plant room adjoining the dwelling and the existing garage,; (5) Construction of new garden wall with access door, to the east of existing garage; (6) All associated site works.
Opt Out- Extension- Site 3 Ballincolly Road, Ballincolly, Ballyvolane,Co. Cork 3 Ballincolly Road, Ballincolly, Ballyvolane, cork, n/aDescription:
Opt Out- Construction of a 2 storey extension to side of dwelling house & single storey extension to rear of dwelling house & all associated site works
material alterations at ground floor to provide new training kitchen Glenvera House, Wellington Road, Corcaigh, cork, T23 NA78Description:
Material alterations at ground floor to provide new training kitchen at Glenvera House.
Application No.: -
Phase 1 of the Horgans Quay Residential Development Horgan's Quay and Railway Street , , Cork, Cork,Description:
Phase 1 of the Horgan’s Quay residential development at Railway Street, Cork City will consist of A) the construction of a 7-9 storey, 192 apartment development with ground floor residential amenity areas, management suite and a grey box creche and two grey box retail units. B) the construction of a covered car park, and ancillary rooms e.g ESB station, switch rooms, comms room, generator room, plant rooms, car parking, bicycle parking and communal bin stores, under a landscaped podium level C)Refurbishment of an existing Protected Structure, the Station Masters Building, to provide amenity space for the residential building. D) associated site works including new site entrance.
7 Upper Beaumont Extension 7 Upper Beaumont Drive, Cork, cork, T12 XVH4Description:
extension to dwelling
Ardrostig - Block 5 Block 5, Ardrostig, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown, corkDescription:
Construction of a four storey residential building comprising 8 self-contained duplex units at Ardrostig, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown, Cork. [Block 5]
Ardrostig - Block 4 Block 4, Ardrostig, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown, corkDescription:
Construction of a four storey residential building comprising 8 self-contained duplex units at Ardrostig, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown, Cork. [Block 4]
Ardrostig - Block 3 Block 3, Ardrostig, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown, corkDescription:
Construction of a four storey residential building comprising 8 self-contained duplex units at Ardrostig, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown, Cork. [Block 3]
Extension to existing dwelling Glanmire 4 Glyntown Road, Glanmire, Cork, Cork, cork, T45 YD66Description:
proposed ground floor extensions to the rear of existing dwelling and first floor extension to the west side of existing dwelling and all associated site works. at : 4 Glyntown Road, Glanmire, Cork,
Belview Wood, Maryborough Ridge, Moneygurney Belview Wood, Maryborough Ridge, Moneygurney, , Douglas, Cork,Description:
The construction of 19 no 2/3 storey dwelling houses and associated site works. This is Phase 1 of a multi-phase development consisting of the construction of a total of 447 no residential units (313 houses, 134 apartments), creche & associated site works.