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Proposed Extension to Existing Dwelling House and all Associated site Works Cordal Rossa Avenue Bishopstown, Cork, cork, T12 H1X8Description:
To construct new single-storey extension to rear elevation of dwelling, Proposed minor alterations to existing elevations of dwelling, To provide new velux window on rear elevation of dwelling,To construct new main entrance porch to be located at front of dwelling and All associated site works.
1-24 newton pk Boherboy Rd, Mayfield, Lotamore, Cork. Newton Heights, Boherboy Rd, Mayfield, Lotamore Cork, Cork, corkDescription:
Construction of 24 no. new dwelling houses and associated site works, 1-24 inclusive newton park , Newton Heights, Boherboy Rd, Mayfield, Lotamore, Cork.
CUH CRC Cladding Cork University Hospital, Bishopstown Road, Wilton, Cork, cork, T12 DC4ADescription:
Cladding replacement & associated works at Cardiac Renal Centre, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork for Health Service Executive
Application No.: -
Opt Out- New dwelling- Rathpeacon, Killeens, Co.Cork Rathpeacon , Killeens, corkDescription:
Opt Out- Construction of a new dwelling house, new vehicular entrance, new domestic wastewater treatment system & all associated works
House Extension at 15 Delaney Park 15 Delaney Park, Dublin Hill, cork, T23 W8Y8Description:
To (a) construct a porch (5 Sqm) to front, (b) construct a ground floor extension (13 Sqm) to rear, (c) construct a first floor extension (31sqm) to rear (d) install a ground floor window to side (southern elevation), (e) install 1 no. roof light to eastern slope of existing roof, (f) demolish existing shed to rear and (g) relocate existing garden shed along with all associated site works.
Coolroe Heights Estate The Avenue, Site to rear of Nos. 1, 2 & 3, Coolroe Heights, Coolroe, Ballincollig, corkDescription:
To construct 1 no. detached two storey house and all associated site works.
Construction of Extension 167 Rosewood, Ballincollig, cork, P31 FX06Description:
Change of use of garage to office, construction of first floor extension over the garage
Glasheen Dwelling Hillfield, 41 Laburnum Park , Model Farm Road, Cork, T12W77H, Cork, cork, T12 W77HDescription:
Permission is sought for the construction of a two storey side extension with part two storey, part single storey rear extension and the renovation of existing 2 storey detached house including the demolition of existing single storey extension to side and rear and chimney stacks
WK10353 - Pres Auditorium Presentation Brothers College, Mardyke Walk, Cork, cork, T12 W8RPDescription:
material alterations to existing auditorium which forms part of the larger existing school complex, including changes to internal layout, minor elevational changes and all ancillary works.
Housing Development at Dublin Pike, Ballincrokig, Cork. [House Nos 1-14, 21-36 and 41-42] Dublin Pike and Ballyhooly Road, , Ballincrokig, Cork,Description:
Construction of 32 No. Two Storey Dwellings at Dublin Pike, Ballincrokig, Cork (House Nos 1-14, 21-36 and 41-42)