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Kilnap 110kV GIS ESB Substation Building Old Whitechurch Road, Kilbarry, corkDescription:
110kV GIS ESB substation comprising a two-storey building and external plinths
13 Bed Guest House at 14 Saint Nicholas Sq. 14 St. Nicholas Square, Ballymacthomas Street, Glen Ryan Road, Cork City, cork, T23 YX22Description:
Material Alterations and Change of Use of Existing Commercial unit with apartments overhead to a 13 bedroom Guest House with one floor level more than 4.5m above ground level.
Application No.: -
5704 - CE7A Boston Scientific Ireland Ltd, Cork Business & Technology Park, Model Farm Road, , Cork, Cork, T12 YK88Description:
Construction of a new cleanroom production area within an existing fallow space
4 Illen Villas 4 Illen Villas, Mardyke Walk, Cork T12TF61, Cork, cork, T12TF61Description:
Alterations and extension to existing semi-detached dwelling at 4 Illen Villas, Mardyke Walk, Cork. Works to include : 1) demolition of existing 2 storey rear annex ; 2) construction of new 2-storey and part single storey extension to side and rear ; 3) minor alterations to existing elevations, including new dormer window to rear of main roof to replace existing flat roof dormer , and installation of new roof lights to adjoining existing garage/proposed utility room ; 4) all associated site works.
28no. residential house units at Ardrostig, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown, Cork. [Unit Nos 30-43, 53-59 & 106-112] Ardrostig, , Waterfall Road, Bishopstown, Cork,Description:
Construction of 28no residential house units at Ardrostig, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown, Cork. [Unit Nos 30-43, 53-59 & 106-112]
No. 8 Haig Gardens No. 8 Haig Gardens, Boreenmanna Road, Cork, cork, T12 N7D1Description:
Two storey extension to the side and rear of an existing dwelling, a new roof window on the existing roof and all associated site works
IH Kilnap Old Whitechurch Road, Kilnap, Cork, corkDescription:
Construction of a dwelling
Fire Upgrade Works to Ennismore House Ennismore House, Middle Glanmire Road, , Cork, Cork, T23 CT95Description:
Change of Use of Ancillary Accommodation to Bedrooms and Fire Upgrade Works to Ennismore House
Application No.: -
Dwelling at Site 2, Kiln Road, Killeens, Cork Kiln Road, Killeens, corkDescription:
Dwelling at Site 2, Kiln Road, Killeens, Cork