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  • Phase 3, Residential Development, Heathfield, Ballincollig, Cork No. 1-14, The Close, No. 21-28, The Grove, No. 1-12, The Row, No. 64-71, The Avenue, No. 27-38, The Drive & No. 23-38, The Crt, , Heathfield, Ballincollig, Cork,

    Residential Development at No. 1-14, The Close, No. 21-28, The Grove, No. 1-12, The Row, No. 64-71, The Avenue, No. 27-38, The Drive & No. 23-38, The Court, Heathfield, Carriganarra, Carrigrohane, Ballincollig, Cork of 70 no residential units and all ancillary site development works. The proposed development consists of the construction of 42 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached houses, 12 no. 3 bedroom townhouses and 16 no. 2 bedroom townhouses. Access to the proposed development will be provided via new entrances from the existing Heathfield estate.

    P8.AFH.23.01 View details
  • St Christopers Extension 10 St Christophers Drive, Montenotte, Cork, cork, T23 Y38P

    Construction of a new single-storey extension to the side and rear of an existing dwelling, alterations to existing elevations and all associated site works.

    23/41756 View details
  • Clifton Main Dwelling Phase 2 Clifton Convalescent Home, Montenotte, Cork, Cork, cork, T23 KW 27

    Material Alteration and Change of use of the existing main dwelling from a convalescence home to a hall of residence at Clifton Convalescent Home, Montenotte, Cork.

    Application No.:
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  • CS Apartments Blocks A,B & C City Square Watercourse Road Blackpool, , Cork, Cork, XXXX

    Material alterations and material change of use of an existing building (linked by basement carpark) from ground floor retail units and office unit to 5 no. apartments (Block A); from ground floor retail units to 6 no. apartments (Block B); and from ground floor creche to 4 no. apartments (Block C) at City Square, Watercourse Road, Blackpool, Cork

    18/37772 & 19/38755 View details
  • 1-79, 208-213 Arderrow ballyvolane Arderrow, ballyhooly road, Ballyvolane, Cork, , Cork, Cork,

    Construction of 85 no. dwelling units and associated site works, nos 1-79 (incl.) Arderrow, nos 208-213 (incl.) Arderrow, ballyhooly road, Ballyvolane, Cork.

    ABP-312076-21 View details
  • Unispace Life Science Block C City Gate Park Mahon Cork, Cork, cork, T12 HD21

    The scope includes alterations and enhancements to part of level 2, including a canteen, tea station, meeting and collaboration rooms, a new boardroom, phone pods, and a new reception area.

    Application No.:
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  • Lynmurray, Farmers Cross, Leheneaghmore, Cork, Farmers Cross , Lehenaghmore, cork, T12 FK3V

    Permission for developments to existing single-storey detached house at site located at Lynmurray, Farmers Cross, Leheneaghmore, Cork, T12FK3V. Works to include: (1) Decommissioning existing waste water treatment system on site and installation of new waste water treatment system to serve existing dwelling; (2) Conversion of existing adjoining garage into habitable space and construction of new single storey extension to front/side of dwelling; (3) Internal alterations to dwelling and minor alterations to existing elevations, including replacing existing flat roof with new flat roof construction with increased parapet height to rear and side of dwelling; (4) All associated site works. at : Lynmurray, Farmers Cross, Lehenaghmore, Cork

    23/42061 View details
  • Extension to 46 Fannalea Park Rivesdale 46 Farranlea Park , Model Farm Road Cork T12YW6E, Cork, cork, T12 YW6E

    Demolition of existing ground floor extension and construction of an extension, alterations to elevations, and all associated site works, planning register number 22/41403.

    22/41403 View details
  • Kent Station upgrade works Kent Station,Lower Glanmire Rd, Cork, T23 E6TD, Cork, cork, T23 E6TD

    Proposed extension to Platform 5A, subsequently known as Platform 5B, and construction of a new platform (Platform 6) at Kent Station, Cork.

    2241299 View details
  • 2562 - IAA Cork - New portable cabin and associated site works and services Liberty Stream, , Upper Ballygarvan, Cork,

    Provision of new portable cabin to house air traffic control equipment along with associated site works and services at IAA Cork, Liberty Stream, Upper Ballygarvan, Co. Cork.

    19/38669 View details



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