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Unit 32B, Castlewest Shopping Centre, Ballincollig, Cork Unit 32B, Castlewest Shopping Centre, Main street, Ballincollig, cork, P31 K661Description:
Change of use of existing second floor shopping centre unit from office use to children's play centre incorporating café and parent's seating area at Unit 32B, Castlewest Shopping centre, Ballincollig, Co. Cork
house alteration and extension Tom and Marian O' Brien 21 Newlyn Vale, Rochestown Road, Cork, cork, T12 Y76CDescription:
Construction of a new first floor side extension to an existing dwelling house, the conversion of an existing garage into habitable space, the alterations to the front elevation and all associated site works
9no. dwellings at Hettyfield Gardens, Douglas, Cork. [House Nos 1-9] Hettyfield Gardens, Hettyfield, , Douglas, Cork,Description:
Construction of 9no. three storey dwellings at Hettyfield Gardens, Hettyfield, Douglas, Cork. [House Nos 1-9]
New Dwelling @ Inchvale Avenue, Shamrock Lawn, Douglas Inchvale Avenue, Shamrock Lawn, Douglas, corkDescription:
Construction of a new two storey detached dwelling house and associated site works including relocated vehicular entrance.
C2 Pharma 2 Bridge House (Unit 2), Skehard Road, Cork, cork, T12 H2TKDescription:
Internal refurbishment of an existing office space including new floor finishes, solid and glazed partitions, adjustments to existing ceilings, alterations to mechanical and electrical services to suit new layout
Application No.: -
Single storey extension to rear and two storey extension to side of dwelling house 2 WOODBERRY, GREENFIELDS, Ballincollig, cork, P31 KH63Description:
Single storey extension to rear and two storey extension to side of dwelling house.
New Prefabricated Classroom Extension at Gaelscoil an Chaislean, Ballincollig Tanner Park, Coolroe, Ballincollig, P31 W270, corkDescription:
First floor extension to existing prefabricated classroom building with two storey access stair (Floor area of Extension: 247m2)
Application No.: -
DRS Unit at Aldi, Ballincollig 02 ALDI, Main Street, Ballincollig, P31 N266, corkDescription:
The Construction of a single storey Deposit Return Scheme (DRS)Kiosk (Gross Floor Area:17m2)
Application No.: -
54 Foxwood Rochestown Rear Extension 54 Foxwood, Rochestown, Cork, cork, T12 DDT9Description:
Single Storey Rear Extension
House renovation 7 Highfield lawn, Model Farm Road,, Cork, cork, T12 XHR2Description:
part single storey, part two storey back extension, alterations to existing dwelling house together with ancillary development works