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Dunnes Stores, Douglas Court Shopping Centre, T12 E86C Cork Douglas Court Shopping Centre, , Cork, Cork, T12 E86CDescription:
Dunnes Stores, Douglas Court Shopping Centre, Cork - Construction of Internal reconfiguration of stockrooms and corridor and deli areas.
Application No.: -
Arc Cinema, Cork City North Main Street, Cork, cork, T12 KN88Description:
General refurbishment and re-fit of existing cinema complex
Application No.: -
1 to 3 oak close, gleann fia ph 5C, tower, blarney, cork. Bawnnafinny, , Tower, Cork,Description:
Construction of 3 no new dwelling houses and associated site works, nos.1 to 3 inclusive oak close, gleann fia, bawnafinney, tower, blarney, cork.
WK10536 - ALTERATIONS AND EXTENSIONS 3 Mount Ovel , Cork, cork, T12 WRK4Description:
Permission for alterations and extensions to dwelling house consisting of a first floor side extension and ground floor rear extension, rear ground floor shed extension, elevational changes and all associated site works.
St Kevins Residential Development Former St Kevins Hospital and Grounds, Shanakiel, , Cork, Cork,Description:
The construction of Phase 1 development which includes 97 units in total (37 no terrace houses, 30 no duplex ground floor and 30 no duplex upper townhouses).The development will also include the construction of 3 no sub stations, 3 no bin stores . Works include all site works, associated Roads, Civil and Site Services for this phase of the overall development.
23 Holly Road Extension Ard na Nionn, 23 Holly Road, Muskerry Estate,, Ballincollig, cork, P31 CP57Description:
Two-storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling and alterations to existing dwelling façade and associated site works.
07 Hilton, Model Farm Road, Cork 07 Hilton, Model Farm Road , Cork , cork, T12 H2ARDescription:
Single storey extension to the side and rear of existing dwelling
Alterations to existing elevations comprising of the proposed demolition of a porch to the front and conservatory to the rear of the existing dwelling house along with the proposed construction of a single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling, decommissioning of an existing septic tank, new proprietary wastewater treatment system, existing front boundary to be set back and replaced with new front boundary and all ancillary site works
Extension at 40 Sandymount Avenue, Glasheen 40 Sandymount Avenue, Glasheen, Cork, cork, T12 HN6EDescription:
- The demolition of a single storey side and rear section of the existing dwelling, including an attached garage and conservatory (27.8 m2) - The construction of a new single storey side and rear extension (42.3 m2)
House @ Moneygourney, Douglas T12 PC2C, Belmont, Moneygourney,, Douglas, Cork, corkDescription:
Partial demolition of existing dwelling and construction of new two storey dwelling in its place