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Apartment Development @ Riverside Farm, Model Farm Road, Cork Riverside Farm, Model Farm Road, Cork, corkDescription:
The construction of 48 no. flats, a basement car park and a refuge store. Block A comprises of 4 no three-bedroom, 5 person flats, 12 no two-bedroom, 4 person flats and 8 no one-bedroom, 2 person flats. Block B comprises of 4 no three-bedroom, 5 person flats, 15 no two-bedroom, 4 person flats, 1 no two-bedroom, 3 person flat and 4 no one-bedroom, 2 person flats. The basement car park comprises 43 no car parking spaces and 4 no motorcycle parking spaces
EW9370 - 66/67 Oliver Plunkett Street 66/67 Oliver Plunkett street , Cork, cork, T12 N206Description:
(1) Change of use of former tourist office to licenced premises, (2) Change of use of portion of existing furniture shop in Grafton Mall to licenced premises, (3) Alteration shop front to include the insertion of a new door and erection of downlights over hand painted signage and all associated site works.
Mercer fit-out Block B, Navigation Square, Albert Quay, Cork, cork, T12 W351Description:
CAT B (Tenant) office fit-out works at Block B, Navigation Square, Albert Quay, Cork T12 W351.
UCC Enterprise Centre Deep Retrofit Enterprise Centre building, Distillery Fields, North Mall, Cork, cork, T23 N73KDescription:
Deep Energy Retrofit including building fabric and M&E upgrades of the Enterprise Centre building. New plantroom extension at ground floor.
Construct Single Storey Extension to side and rear Ballinlough 5 Sundrive Park, Ballinlough, cork, T12 EA4YDescription:
Construct single storey extension to side and rear
Gate Lodge at Model Farm Road The Lodge, Model Farm Road, , Cork Business & Technology Park, Cork, Cork, T12 TY8WDescription:
Refurbishment of Former Gate Lodge into Office Building to Include Construction of New Single Storey Extension to Front & Side, External Signage and all Associated Works
Construction of dwelling house Sweeney's Hill, Rathpeacon, corkDescription:
Construction of dwelling house
St Vincent Accessibiity Works Department of Music Building, UCC, St. Vincent's Seminary, Sunday's Well Road, , Cork, Cork, T23 HF50Description:
Internal alterations and modifications to improve accessibility.
DRS Unit at Aldi, Glanmire Aldi, Hazelwood Ave, Riverstown. , Glanmire, T45 PN25, corkDescription:
The Construction of a single storey Deposit Return Scheme (DRS)Kiosk (Gross Floor Area:17m2)
Application No.: -
Opt Out- New dwelling- 5 Long Range, Powder Mills, Ballincollig,Co. Cork 5 Long Range, Powder Mills, Ballincollig, corkDescription:
Opt Out- Construction of a new dormer type dwelling house, new vehicular entrance and installation of a new waste water treatment system, polishing filter and all assoicated site works