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C1186 - 29 Carrigeen Park Rosary, 29 Carrigeen Park, Ballinlough, , Cork, Cork, T12 H9P5Description:
Construction of alterations and extensions to two storey semi detached dwelling, consisting of demolition of existing garage/utility, a ground floor rear extension, elevational changes and all associated site works including removal of mature tree at side boundary as per planning.
Construction of Extension 177 Lower Glanmire Road, , Cork, Cork, T23 E7FPDescription:
Single-storey side extension, new first-floor rear extension for staircase, a new 2nd floor rear dormer extension, elevation changes including new front window to front elevation as well as internal alterations to existing dwelling, and ancillary works.
Attic Conversion at No. 14 Sharman Avenue, Crawford Gate, Bessborough, Blackrock, Cork No. 14 Sharman Avenue, Crawford Gate, Bessborough, , Cork, Cork, T12 FVP0Description:
Permission for alterations, convert the existing attic to a bedroom and the provision of 3 no. rooflights, 2 no. to the front and 1 no. to the rear of their dwelling house with all associated site works.
No. 7 Cleve Hill, Blackrock Road, Cork 7 Cleve Hill Blackrock Road, , Cork, Cork, T12 XN9XDescription:
No. 7 Cleve Hill, Blackrock Road, Cork: The demolition of existing garage and the construction of a two-storey extension and all associated site works.
CUH Winter Surge Beds Bishopstown Road, , Wilton, Cork, T12DC4ADescription:
CUH Winter Surge Beds: Refurbishment and alteration of existing Ophthalmology Department and Blackwater Suite to provide new additional inpatient beds accommodation to meet winter surge demand.
Application No.: -
Glenbevan, 4 Lindville, Blackrock Road Glenbevan, 4 Linville, Blackrock Road, Cork, , Cork, Cork, T12 V07DDescription:
Extension to Existing Dwelling
C1231 - Old Blackrock Road Cushendall, 41 Old Blackrock Road, , Cork, Cork, T12 EH3VDescription:
Alterations to existing 2 storey terraced house and associated site works
Application No.: -
C1194 - Park Avenue, Ballintemple Ravensdale, Park Avenue, Ballintemple, , Cork, Cork, T12 KT3HDescription:
Construction of alterations & extension to two storey detached dwelling consisting of a ground floor rear extension, elevational changes, including external insulation and associated site works as per planning
House to side of 49 Woodvale Road, Beaumont, Cork 49 Woodvale Road, Beaumont,, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Construction of a new detached 2 storey house to the side of 49 Woodvale Road,Beaumont, Cork
2 storey extension to 1 Brendan ville, Glasheen rd, Cork City,T12CKW0 1 Brendan ville, Glasheen rd, , Cork, Cork, T12 CKW0Description:
Demolish existing rear extension and construction of a 2 storey rear extension and all associated site works.