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25 Brookdale Road, Swords, extension 25 Brookdale Road, Swords, dublinDescription:
Construction of new single storey extensions to the front of the existing house. Plus all associated site works.
Brookstone Lodge Brookstone Road, Baldoyle, dublin_13Description:
Refurbishment works to existing detached bungalow, and to make alterations to existing front façade. Replacement of existing roof to accommodate two new dormer roofs to the front and rear.At Brookstone Lodge, Brookstone Road, Baldoyle Dublin 13.
10 Castleview Way Swords Attic and extension 10 Castleview Way, Swords, dublinDescription:
Attic conversion to existing end of terrace house, to include the installation of a new dormer to the existing hipped end of the roof plus new velux roof lights to the front and rear of the existing roof. New ground floor gable window to existing. Plus all associated site works.
74 Balkhill Park, Howth. Extension 74 Balkill Park, Howth, dublin_13Description:
Demolish existing single storey flat roof side extension and construct new single storey side extension with pitched roof incorporating 3 no. roof lights.
Conversion & Extension of Former An Post Delivery Office College Street, Baldoyle, dublin_13Description:
a) Change of use from postal delivery offices to uses comprising music, dance and drama school in the entire building and use as a creche/montessori school in part of the ground floor; creche/montessori use to be from 8:30am until 6pm Monday-Friday; b) Alterations to the building including internal layout changes, enclosure of existing open recessed front porch to form new lobby; and c) all associated site works at the former postal delivery office.
11 Fancourt Road, Balbriggan, Extension 11 Fancourt Road, Balbriggan, dublinDescription:
1st floor extension to side of existing dwelling
Clareville Woods, Streamstown, extension Clareville Woods, Streamstown, Malahide, dublinDescription:
To replace existing conservatory (24 sq.m.) to the side of house to create a single storey extension (40 sq.m.). Minor alterations to the ground floor south kitchen window and a new balcony at first floor level south elevation.
The Chalet, Grove Road, Malahide, extension. The Chalet, Grove Road, Malahide, dublinDescription:
Permission for a single storey extension to rear, new bay window extension to side/rear of existing dwelling with internal room modifications and a new front porch area at entrance to dwelling with associated site works
Alexion College Park College Business & Technology Park, Snugborough Road, Blanchardstown, dublin_15Description:
Construction of a 5 storey office block and roof top plant room, QC laboratories, packaging / warehouse, utility building, spine corridor and ancillary buildings and structures on a 16.8 hectare site in accordance with planning permission order No. PF/0497/14 dated 06-May-14.
Mr & Mrs P Collins 47 Luttrellstown Avenue, Castleknock, dublin_15Description:
Planning permission for the demolition of the existing original single storey kitchen extension at the rear, the construction of a two storey extension to the side and front, a single storey extension to the rear and a single storey porch extension to the front.