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18(A) Limetree Avenue, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin 18(A) Limetree Avenue, Portmarnock, dublinDescription:
Construction of a 2-storey extension to the side and rear of existing house, with associated site works including widening the site entrance and new driveway.
New Electrical Substation at Unit 23 Airways Industrial Estate Santry Dublin 17 Unit 23 Airways Industrial Estate, Santry, dublin_9Description:
New Electrical Sub-Station
1A, Seafield Court, Bissets Strand Extension 1A Seafield Court, Bissets Strand, Malahide, dublinDescription:
Single storey extension (21.25 sq. metres internally), to the rear/side.
21 Church Street, change of use 21 Church Street, Howth, dublin_13Description:
Change of use of existing vacant commercial premises (2 storey detached building with single storey extension to rear, total floor area circa 110m sq.), last used as Howth Credit Union, to 1 no. 3 bed dwelling. This proposal includes internal and external modifications, new pitched roof with roof lights to replace flat roof of existing rear extension, repositioning of rear wall of existing extension (reducing overall floor area by circa 3m.) and the provision of new and replacement doors and windows, all on a site of circa 0.011ha.
8 Grove Avenue 8 Grove Avenue, Malahide, dublinDescription:
Alterations and extensions to 8 Grove Avenue, Malahide, Co Dublin comprising (a) 45m2 first floor bedroom extension to rere over existing ground floor sun room (b) 19.4m2 ground floor living room extension to sun room to rere (c) swapping of front door and existing kitchen window at ground floor level with associated changes to front canopy and elevations and (d) associated site works.
13 The Mews, 2 storey extension 13 The Mews, Malahide, dublinDescription:
A two storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling, a single storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling and associated site works.
40 Kelly's Bay, Porch and extension 40 Kelly's Bay Promenade, Skerries, dublinDescription:
Single storey porch to front, rooflights to front and new dormer extension to side
Enabling Works only, 76 Houses, Balgriffin Site bounded by Balgriffin Cottages, Balgriffin Road & Parkside Boulevard, Balgriffin, dublinDescription:
Enabling Works to be carried out under the Commencement Notice do not fall under Building Regulations - scope of works attached.
Rear of 25 Willie Nolan Road, Baldoyle, Dublin 13 Rear of 25 Willie Nolan Road, Baldoyle, dublin_13Description:
Development of 2 No. 3 bedroom 2 storey to rear and single storey to front semi- detached houses with access from Willie Nolan Road and all ancillary work on site
Proposed New Residential Unit site opposite 16 Bawn Lane, Malahide, Co Dublin, Malahide, dublinDescription:
Construction of new residential unit on site opposite 16 The Bawn Lane, Malahide, Co Dublin.