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  • Bunbury Attic Redmond 63 Bunbury Gate Avenue, , Swords, Fingal, K67 XR22

    Conversion of existing attic space comprising of modification of existing roof structure, raising existing gable c/w window, new access stairs and 2no. roof windows to the front and rear.

    F24A/0841E View details
  • 25 South Hill, Sutton, Dublin 13, D13NP49 25 South Hill, , Sutton, Dublin, Fingal, D13 NP49

    Planning permission for Attic conversion with dormer to rear roof to accommodate stairs to allow conversion of attic to a non habitable storage space, Removal of chimney all with associated ancillary works.

    F24A/0761E View details
  • 30 Kelly's Bay Strand - Gable to Hipped Attic 30 Kelly's Bay Strand, , Skerries, Fingal, K34 V294

    attic conversion to include changed hipped roof to a gable dormer to the rear and roof light to the

    F20B/0309 View details
  • Plot 2A, Unit 271, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15 Plot 2A, Unit 271, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Ballycoolin, , Dublin 15, Fingal,

    Construction of a light industrial development, including ancillary office floorspace, staff amenities and all associated site works at Plot 2A, Unit 271, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15.

    FW23A/0305 & FW22A/0290 View details
  • Carrigkeal Carrickbrack Road, , Dublin, Fingal, D13 V295

    construction of a single storey extension to front of existing basement and energy upgrade and aleterations to existing basement, to contain new family flat, all to existing two-storey over basement detached dwelling; new pergola structure at basement level, and all associated site development works.

    F24A/0492 View details
  • Extension & Renovation Works to 1 Cherry Lawn Dublin, Fingal, D15 E7R5

    The proposed development will consist of extending and altering the first floor to the side of the dwelling to form a dormer space with flat roof to accommodate 2 additional bedrooms and storage, removal of the existing balcony to the front to enlarge the existing bedroom, associated modifications to front, side and rear elevations, internal alterations at ground and first floor, plus all associated site works.

    FW24A/0282 View details
  • Single storey extension to the side of the existing two storey semi-detached dwelling at K36 NY28 for Michael and Sarah Downes 1 Beverton Gardens, , Donabate, Fingal, K36 NY28

    The development will consist of the construction of a single storey extension to the side of the existing two storey semi-detached dwelling with relocation of pedestrian gate to access rear garden, internal alterations and renovations to the existing two storey semi-detached dwelling, revisions to the site layout plan along with all associated site works and services.

    F24A/0236 View details
  • Church Fields Phase 2 (3B) - Apartments_Block F Damastown, , Dublin, Fingal,

    Block F of the Churchfield Phase 3B development is located in Mulhuddart, Dublin. Block F is a four storey apartment building. All floors will consist of residential apartments.

    PARTX/001/23 View details
  • Attic conversion 16 Diswellstown Garth, , Castleknock, Fingal, D15 DYF5

    Attic conversion, the construction of a dormer window, and a roof light to the front of the existing house,as well as all associated site development works.

    FW24A/0252E View details
  • 9 Roncalli Road, Sutton, Dublin 13 9 Roncalli Road, , Sutton, Fingal, D13 F6F9

    New single storey extension to the rear,conversion of existing garage to bedroom with new bay window to front.Conversion of existing attic to non-habitable storage space,including new dormer window to rear roof slope.

    F24A/0899E View details



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