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Mackey 127 Castleknock Park, , Dublin, Fingal, D15 TPN7Description:
Alterations including the removal of existing front porch, bay window and rear conservatory, the construction of new single storey extensions to the front, side and rear and new first floor extension to the side of existing dwelling house, replacement of all windows and doors, moving existing driveway pillar to increase driveway entrance to 3.5M and all associated site works
extensions at 6, Woodlands 6, Woodlands, , Portmarnock, Fingal, D13 C583Description:
proposed single storey extensions to front & rere, & a two-storey exdtension to side, at 6, Woodlands, Portmarnock, Co Dublin
Aneesh 5 Barnwell chase 5 Barnwell Chase, , Dublin 15, Fingal, D15 W8XTDescription:
Planningpermission is sought for a ground floor extension to consist of a playroom and bedroom with ensuite to rear of existing house at 5 Barnwell chase Dublin 15 D15W8Xt, located in Strategic Development Zone.
Attic conversion with hip roof to gable Holywell Square, , Swords, Fingal, K67 RX89Description:
Planing permission for attic conversion with hip roof to gable by extending ridgeline to acommodate stairs to aloes conversion of attic to no habitable storage space with roof windows to front and rear roof all with associated ancillary works
Attic Conversion - 96 Millers Avenue, Millers Glen, Swords, Dublin, K67A6F9 96 Millres Avenue, Millers Glen, Swords, Dublin, , Swords, Fingal, K67 A6F9Description:
Permission to construct attic conversion with velux windows to front and light tunnel to back of existing roof.
23212 Castleknock II Peck's Lane, , Dublin, Fingal, D15 XC4VDescription:
The development will consist of alterations to existing single storey extension to the rear with an increase to floor area, construction of new dormer to rear of the main house roof with change of roof from hipped to gabled with extended gable wall, to facilitate an attic conversion, alteration / enlargement of existing landing window on side gable wall, And all associated internal alterations, elevation changes, site and ancillary works
Eatzen 5 The Mall, , Malahide, Fingal, K36 YW35Description:
Refurbishment of the existing restaurant into a new restaurant.
Application No.: -
"Sceolan", Church Road, Lusk, Co Dublin, Church Street, , Lusk, Fingal, K45 TD95Description:
Proposed extensions to side and rear of the existing dormer style house and internal alterations
Healy Extension Derham Park 41 Derham Park, , Balbriggan, Fingal, K32 TW72Description:
A single storey extension to rear of existing garage & 1st floor extension over existing garage to side of existing dwelling.
WO13 - T2 Security UPS Room Dublin Airport, Terminal 2, , Dublin, Fingal, K67 X4X5Description:
Proposed material alternation of back of house ancillary accommodation at Terminal 2 previously approved (FSC/212/23)
Application No.: