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  • 17, Weston Drive, Lucan, Dublin 17 Weston Drive, , Lucan, South Dublin, K78 EE76

    First floor extension to the side and front. Single-story extension to the rear, for extended living.

    SD23B/0533W View details
  • St Thomas Fields Sports Facility Tibradden Road, , Kilmashogue, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,

    Construction of a single storey Activities & Administration Building at Tibradden Road Sports Campus, Tibradden Rd, Kilmashogue. The proposed building will provide a Gym/Fitness space, studio spaces, changing facilities, meeting rooms, a club room, consultation rooms, along with a café and other ancillary spaces. ALong with the construction of a single storey Track & Conditioning Enclosure. The proposed building will consist of a running track and conditioning room at Tibradden Road Sports Campus, Tibradden Rd, Kilmashogue, Dublin, D16 T6N2

    PC/PKS/01/24 View details
  • Orchardstown Attic Faulkner 34 Orchardstown Avenue, , Dublin, South Dublin, D14 KW66

    Conversion of existing attic space comprising of modification of existing roof structure and flat roof dormer to the side comprising of 2no. bedrooms.

    SD24B/0433W View details
  • Domestic extension & renovation at 87 Ballytore Road, Rathfarnham,Dublin 14 87 Ballytore Road, , Rathfarnham, South Dublin, D14 AH32

    Domestic extension and alterations to existing two-storey semi-detached dwelling at 87 Ballytore Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14.

    SD24B/0215 View details
  • Res. extension at 17, Wynberg Park 17 Wynberg Park, , Blackrock, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 P8Y9

    a) Flat-roofed, sinqle-storev, qround-floor extensions to the front, side and rear. b) Conversion ofthe side qaraqe to habitable space. c) A first-floor, bedroom, side extension over the converted qaraqe. d) Conversion of the attic with a rear-facing dormer window and roof-light. e) Alterations to the existina roof-line to oermit access to the attic, includino a sidefacinq dormer-effect stairwell window. f) Widening of the front, vehicular entrance. g) All associated site-works.

    D24A/0360 View details
  • 41 Bellevue Road 41 Bellevue Road, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 X0F2

    Extensions and alterations to the existing two-storey semi-detached dwelling

    D24B/0461/WEB View details
  • Garage to rear 184A Whitehall; Road 184A Whitehall Road, , Terenure, South Dublin,

    Planning Permission is sought to remove shed and construct new block-built garage with 14 no solar PV panels fixed to its roof in rear garden of 184A Whitehall Road Terenure Dublin 12

    SD23B/0494 View details
  • Extension and Renovation of Existing Dwelling Cunningham Road, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 Y2E2

    Replacement of the existing kitchen extension internal alterations and general refurbishment of the existing house including essential repairs as required to walls, floors, windows, facades and roofs, associated conservation works and ancillary site works.

    D24A/0446/WEB View details
  • 14, Wainsfort Avenue, Terenure, Dublin 6w, D6W H277 14 Wainsfort Avenue, , Dublin 6W, Dublin, D6W H277

    Front porch extension with central door and two windows, front extension to garage with smaller door and raised parapet by 1, 4 metres. Remove first floor side elevation window, extend existing dormer roof in front elevation to include third bedroom with new window, new dormer roof on rear elevation with new windows.

    SD24B/0366W View details
  • Kilcarbery 110kV GIS Substation - Ancillary Buildings Profile Park, , Profile Park, South Dublin,

    The proposed development allows for the transmission of power from the electrical grid to the adjacent data centres. This commencement notice relates to 4 no. single storey prefabricated buildings which are within the GIS compound. These include three MV switch rooms, each 17 sqm in area, which contain ancillary equipment for the transformers and a Client Control Building which is 51.5 sqm in area.

    ABP-312793-22 View details



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