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7611 results

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  • 12 Stillorgan Heath, Stillorgan, Co Dublin 12 Stillorgan Heath, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 XA37

    Construction of a 2 storey extension to the side along with all associated site works at 12 Stillorgan Heath, Stillorgan, Co Dublin

    D20A/0472 View details
  • 14, Albert Park, Glenageary, Co. Dublin 14 Albert Park, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 T2P9

    Planning permission for alterations to the existing hip roof to create a gable roof to accommodate an attic stairs to allow conversion of the attic into a non-habitable storage space with dormer to the rear roof, gable window to side, roof windows to the front roof and all associated ancillary works.

    D24B/0209 View details
  • Attic conversion and internal reconfiguration. 40, Brookville Park, , Dublin, Dublin, A94 YK59

    Attic conversion and internal reconfiguration.

    D24B/0340 View details
  • New Driveway Entrance 1A Frankfort Park, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 ET20

    New vehicular access and all associated site works to the front of existing dwelling including the widening of the existing pedestrian entrance, removal of shrubbery, and hard landscaping to new footpath / driveway.

    D24A/0704 View details
  • 33 Woodside Drive 'Furka', 33 Woodside Drive, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 P985

    The development will consist of: alterations and additions to the existing two storey detached house including the construction of a new porch to the front (South/East) of the existing main house; the construction of a new two storey extension to the side (North/East) of the existing main house, including 1 no. rooflight, minor internal modifications to existing layout and all associated site works.

    D22B/0139 View details
  • 29 Lakelands Close Stillorgan Co. Dublin A94 FY91 29 Lakelands Close, , Stillorgan, Dublin, A94 FY91

    Planning Permission for Retention and Planning Permission is sought for Planning Permission for Retention for the construction of part of (ongoing works) and Planning Permission to complete the works for (1) A single storey mono pitched roof rear extension (2) Change of use of garage attached to the side of the house to residential (3) Attic conversion with rooflights within front and rear roof slopes (4) Internal alterations to existing house. Planning Permission is sought for (5) Remove timber cladding to front elevation and replace with render finish (6) and all necessary ancillary site development works to facilitate this development

    D24A/0464/WEB View details
  • The Limes, Westminster Lawns The Limes, Westminster Lawn, Foxrock,, , Dublin 18, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D18 DT61

    Single storey flat roof extension to front and side, first floor extension to front and alterations to finishes externally

    D23B/0365 View details
  • 4 Henley Park 4 Henley Park, , Churchtown, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 PF82

    • Demolition of garage and existing single storey extension to the rear/part side, part demolition of existing hipped roof and first floor external walls to side and rear. • Proposed new two storey extension to the side and part single part two story extension to the rear. • New canopy to front • New rooflights to the front and side (within extended hipped roof) and rear (within single storey extension). • All associated site, internal alterations, drainage and landscaping works.

    D23A/0547 View details
  • Aubrey Park Attic Sheridan 24 Aubrey Park, , Shankill, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D18 NH36

    conversion of existing attic space comprising of modification of existing roof structure, raising of existing gable, removal of existing chimney, new access stairs, flat roof dormer to the rear and installation of 3no. roof windows to the front.

    D24B/0139 View details
  • 86 Georges St Lr Dun Laoghaire Co Dublin 86 George's Street Lower, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 FK09

    Change of use on the first & second floor at 86 George’s Street Lower, Dun Laoghaire from the existing vacant office to residential use with internal alterations and all associated ancillary works.

    Application No.:
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