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  • The Sentinel The Sentinel at the former Allegro Site, Blackthorn Drive, Sandyford Business Park, Sandyford, , Dublin 18, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D18 F4AE

    A Material Alteration and change of use from office to residential to an existing structure at the Sentinel Building, Sandyford Business Park, Dublin. The works involved are part of a residential development, comprising 14 storeys, from the Ground Floor to Level 13. Part of the structure comprises 6 Storeys, from the Ground Floor to Level 5; this part will have an additional 2-storey extension, from Level 6 to Level 7. The works include the Tenant Amenities area on the Ground Floor. Note: The Gym area will be covered under a separate FSC submission. The 3 basement levels below the Sentinel Building are covered under a separate FSC Ref 3014063.

    LRD23A/0505 View details
  • 89 Saint Patrick's Crescent Saint Patrick's Crescent, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 H314

    Permission for extension, renovation and refubishment of the existing dwelling. a) Demolition of existing rear single storey extension and construction of a new two storey extension to the rear of the dwelling. b) Demolition of existing single storey porch and construction of a single storey porch to the front of the dwelling. c) formation of a 3.5m opening in the existing front garden wall and the provision of 1 no. Parking space to the front of the property to include ancillary landscaping works. d) Installation of solar panels on the front and rear roof slope. e) Replacement of windows and doors. f) All associated site works.

    D24A/0203 View details
  • Harrow House Mews Terrace Harrow House Church Road, , Killiney, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,

    Infill residential development of a two-storey terrace of three 2 bedroom dwellings and associated site works

    D22A/0617; ABP-315000-22 View details
  • Proposed Dwelling @ 20 Braemor Road 20, Braemor Road,Churchtown, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 T446

    Full planning permission for development The proposed development will consist of; 1)Subdivision of the existing site;2) Demolition works to side and rear of existing dwelling; 3) New single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling; 4) Alterations to side elevation of existing dwelling 5) New two-storey detached dwelling in side garden of existing dwelling; 6) New single storey bike shed in front garden of proposed dwelling; 7) Widening of existing vehicular entrance to 6m wide to accommodate 2no. 3m wide entrances; and all associated works.

    D24A/0657 View details
  • 7 Ballyman Road 7 Ballyman Road, , Bray, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,

    Planning permission to construct a new detached dormer dwelling house, site entrance, private shed, and all associated site works and services

    D24A/0593/WEB View details
  • 86 Carysfort Avenue Dwelling 86 Carysfort Avenue, , Blackrock, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,

    Full Permission for the demolition and removal of an existing commercial property formerly known as Carysfort Glass and Glazing and the construction of a proposed new dwelling which will include a new two storey infill front section with single storey sections to rear, a new courtyard, new boundary walls, on-site parking and connection to all services as well as all associated site works

    D21A/0658 ABP-313204-22 View details
  • BG4 Block T5 Bride's Glen Grove, , Dublin 18, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,

    Proposed construction of BG4 Block T5 comprising of 8 units (forming part of the BG4 Residential Development)

    DZ22A/1025 View details
  • BG4 Block T4 Bride's Glen Grove, , Dublin 18, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,

    Proposed construction of BG4 Block T4 comprising of 8 units (forming part of the BG4 Residential Development)

    DZ22A/1025 View details
  • BG4 Block T3 27 -42 Bride's Glen Grove, , Dublin 18, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,

    Proposed construction of BG4 Block T3 comprising of 16 units (forming part of the BG4 Residential Development)

    DZ22A/1025 View details
  • BG4 Block T2 1 Brides Glen Road, , Dublin 18, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,

    Proposed construction of BG4 Block T2 comprising of 10 units (forming part of the BG4 Residential Development)

    DZ22A/1025 View details



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