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BG4 Block T1 1 - 16 Bride's Glen Grove, , Dublin 18, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
Proposed construction of BG4 Block T1 comprising of 16 units (forming part of the BG4 Residential Development)
2412-Chestnut Road 15 Chestnut Road, , Blackrock, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 EK46Description:
The provision of a new side and rear single storey extension, the provision of a new dormer to the rear elevation, revisions to the fenestration to the front side and rear elevation, alterations to the front entrance, the provision of a rear first floor extension to replace the existing balcony, the removal of an existing chimney, the widening of the existing vehicular entrance.
2413VPG 36 Villarea Park, , Glenageary, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 E7P1Description:
The provision of an infill extension to the front/side at first floor level, above the previously converted ground floor garage, associated hipped roof modification works to accommodate same, introduction of new rooflight, energy upgrade works including external wall insulation & new windows, the widening of the existing vehicular entrance gate to accommodate off-street parking and all associated site works.
Blackrock Clinic JAG – 5th Floor Alterations Rock Road, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 E4X7Description:
Material Alterations to the 5th Floor of Blackrock Clinic, Rock Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin
Application No.: -
Fuchsia Lodge, Carthy's Green, Stepaside Ballyedmonduff Road, , Dunlaoghaire Rathdown, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
Demolition of existing house and construction of new two storey dwelling, garage and associated site works
24001 Sonas DV Kilcross Road, , Sandyford, Dublin 18, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
Proposed new construction of a Domestic Violence Refuge for women and children. Blocks 01 and 02 will provide 2 levels of accommodation in the form of self-contained flats with own door access. Block 03 will be a 2-storey administration building consisting of offices, meeting rooms, residents communal facilities and staff facilities and all associated site works.
Application No.: -
Mannford Mannford, Seafield Avenue, Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 D9K6Description:
The construction of a single-story extension on the north side to comprise two ensuites and a walk-in wardrobe, alterations to the two from curved bay windows to square bay windows, alterations to the windows on the south elevation, change of the roof clay tiles to natural slates, the widening of the vehicular entrance to 3.5 m and associated site development works
2 Houses to the Rear of 4 Granville Park, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, A94 HN60. 4 Granville Park, , Blackrock, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
The demolition of an existing garage / shed, the construction of 2 no. new single-storey dwelling houses and the construction of a new shared driveway at the existing vehicular access point, together with all associated site works and services all to the rear of 4 Granville Park, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, A94 HN60.
CLUNY 4, The Moorings, Cluny Grove, Killiney, Dublin, , Dublin, South Dublin, A96 PC96Description:
The demolition of: West facing conservatory, North facing leanto & partial demolition of existing roof including the replacement of existing windows. The construction of: South facing dormer roof & window, flat roof entrance canopy & the replacement of exisiting windows and doors. Works also include internal modifications; landscaping and all associated site development works.
Rear of 70 Merville Road, Stillorgan 1 Weirview Drive, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
Provision of part one storey, part two storey over basement, three bedroom, pitched roof house fronting onto Weirview Drive, provision of off street parking space and new gate with access off Weirview Drive and associated site works.