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ROOF EXTENSION AT 2 CLONKEEN ROAD DEANSGRANGE CO DUBLIN 2 Clonkeen Road Deansgrange Blackrock Co.Dublin, , Deansgrange, Blackrock, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94A4E4Description:
Removal of part of the top sections of the parapet wall on the existing building and to build a flat roofed zinc clad extensionof 234.21 square metres on the second floor flat roof areaof the existing building to the front facing Clonkeen Road (17.21 sqm) and side facinf Kill Lane (217sqm) to provide additional accommodation for (a) existing medical practice of 69.26 sqm (b) existing dental practice of87.04 sqm and(c)the existinf physiotherapy practice of 55.02 sqm
22 Woodlands Park, Mount Merrion Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, A94 PF22 22 Woodlands Park, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 PF22Description:
The development will consist of the demolition of existing single-storey extension at side of house, partial demolition of rear two storey extension, demolition of existing chimney stacks and existing roof to the existing two storey detached house and demolition of shed to rear of house; the subsequent construction of a part single-storey / part two storey extension with rooflights to the rear, a two-storey extension to the side, new bay windows to the front, alterations to existing external window and door opes with replacement of all existing windows and doors, new roof with a raised ridge height which includes a dormer to the rear and new rooflights to the side; new external wall insulation to existing house and widening of existing vehicular entrance and all associated site works.
46, The Heights, Woodpark, Dublin 16, D16YY75 46 The Heights, , Woodpark, Dublin 16, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D16 YY75Description:
Permission for the development a) The construction of a 8.2sqm two storey extension to the front of the existing dwelling, b) The installation of a new timber clad door to the existing side shed, c) The erection of a timber clad storage unit to the front of the site, d) All associated site works and landscaping.
Extension and Energy Upgrade Works to 29 Larchfield Road 29 Larchfield Road, , Dublin 14, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 A890Description:
Two single storey bay windows to front façade, first floor extension over existing side single storey to add extra bedroom, 2 x rooflights to front roof, remove existing hip roof and extend roof to side with ‘dutch gable’ at party wall, rooflight to hip of dutch gable, dormer roof to rear in attic, first floor extension to rear with new master bedroom,
Dev at 12 Dun Emer Road 12 Dun Emer Road, , Dundrum, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D16 Y308Description:
The construction of a single storey front extension to the dwelling, a single storey rear extension c/w rooflight, a garage conversion c/w front window, an attic conversion c/w rear facing dormer window and construction of gable end roof structure and modified entrance piers.
New house in the former garden of Rath na nGall, Kilgobbin Road, Dublin 18 Kilgobbin Road, , Knockatee, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
The erection of a single storey three bedroom new site boundaries to the sides and rear of the site, a new vehicular access at Kilgobbin Road with wooden gates and piers, and all ancillary site development works
72, Weston Park, Dundrum, Dublin 14 72 Weston Park, , Knockatee, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 CX23Description:
Permission for 1. Remove roof of existing single storey extension to rear. 2. Construction of first floor extension to rear (over the retained existing single storey extension) and construct part single storey extension to rear (consisting of ground floor kitchen / living/ dining, two bedrooms to first floor, associated internal alterations). Reduce size of first floor window to rear. 3. Zinc cladding to existing dormer to rear. New rooflights to front of the existing main roof. 4. Extend existing ground level raised patio to rear. 5. New smooth plaster render to front of house (with removing of existing brickwork and pebbledash)
Glenview Cottage Brides Glen Road, Rathmichael, Co. Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D18 W306Description:
Permission sought to: 1. Demolish existing single storey lean-to on house and shed in garden. 2. Construct single storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling. Remove roof of the existing single storey extension to be retained, build-up walls and build new flat roof to form taller flat roof extension. New window opening to gable of the existing dwelling. 3. Construct single storey shed to rear garden. 4. Parking area, landscaping and surface water soakway. 5. Secondary wastewater treatment system and Soil Percolation filter.
40 Hillisde, Dalkey 40 Hillside, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96CD30Description:
Renovation of the existing 2-storey semi-detached single-family dwelling house, construction of a 1-storey extension to the rear, construction of a 1-storey extension to the front, conversion of the existing garage to habitable accommodation, and construction of a 1-storey extension above the garage.
22 Tivoli Terrace 22 Tivoli Terrace South, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 E798Description:
two storey, front, and side extension, partially single storey, partially two storey rear extension, internal alterations, widening vehicular access, new sliding electrical gate to replace double swing metal gate, associated site works