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6 Storey Residential Development at Bently Villas, addition of new fifth floor comprising 3 apartment units 7/9 Clarence Street, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
6 Storey Residential Development at Bently Villas, addition of new fifth floor comprising 3 apartment units.
2413VPG-REAR 36 Villarea Park, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 E7P1Description:
Ground floor extension to the rear of the existing two-storey dwelling-house and associated site works.
376, Pearse Street 376 Pearse Street, , Sallynoggin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 TC63Description:
Attic conversion for storage with two dormer windows to the rear and 4 Velux windows to the front roof area.
Alterations & additions incl. 2-storey extension to rear & side of existing detached dwelling at 6 Greygates, Mt Merrion 6 Stillorgan Road, , Blackrock, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 H2D5Description:
Alterations and Additions to No.6 Greygates, Mount Merrion, comprising a 2-storey/part-single storey extension to the rear, first floor extension to gable-end, and conversion of the existing attic space with dormer window to the rear and all ancillary works
29 Silchester Park 29 Silchester Park, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 D6E5Description:
1) Demolition of an existing single storey garage to the side of the existing house. 2) The construction of a new 2-storey pitched roof extension to the side, front and rear. 3) The modification of the front porch including a new canopy. 4) The construction of a new single storey flat roof extension to the rear with associated new rear patio and screen. 5) Internal reconfigurations of the existing house including localised lowering of the existing floor. 6) The relocation and widening of the existing site vehicle entrance and 7) All ancillary site works.
Dormer to rear roof of house Dun Laoghaire 20 Rosmeen Park, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 HY38Description:
Addition of dormer window and windows to front roof to existing attic conversion all with associated ancillary works.
Alterations & Extension to 29 Drummartin Park 29 Drummartin Park, , Goatstown, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 EK85Description:
Demolition of existing garage/kitchen/outhouses to side/rear, construction of single storey extension to side/rear (extending 900mm to front), infilling existing (internal) porch to front (to extend existing hall) with canopy over, and, alteration/amalgamation of first floor windows to rear (to form single window to bathroom), all to existing house.
Granite Hall 1 Granite Hall, Dun Laoghaire, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 PW53Description:
GRound floor extension and dwelling rennovation
An Grianán, 6A Arkendale Road Arkendale Road, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 P7V0Description:
Demolition of an existing single storey extension to the west side of the of the existing house, the construction of a new single storey extension to the west side of the existing house, the construction of a dormer structure to the rear (south) at first floor level. The construction of a new bay window to the front (north) of the existing house. As part of the proposed works some internal alterations and demolitions are also proposed in conjunction with any associated site works.
St Anne's Killiney Road, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 RX48Description:
House extension