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  • Alterations to 44 Landscape Gardens 44 Landscape Gardens, Dublin 14, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 Y316

    Alterations to front elevation and related works, permitted under Grant of Permission D22A/0984

    D22A/0984 View details
  • 10 Loreto Park 10 Loreto Park, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 V9R9

    Full width extension to the front of the building with a pitched slate roof.

    D24B/0274 View details
  • 53 Ballinteer Park 53 Ballinteer Park, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D16 X2R5

    To demolish the rear single storey extension and porch to front. To change the front door position to the side gable wall. To erect a new bay window to the front elevation in place of the porch. To erect a two storey pitched and flat roof extension with partial single storey flat roof extension to the rear with rooflights overs, changing the internal layout on ground and first floor to accommodate the new design. Change glazing on all elevations to allow the new design layout. Increase the width of the front vehicle entrance. Maintain connection to public sewerage and surface water and all ancillary site works.

    D23A/0663/WEB View details
  • BLACKROCK CLINIC Weightcare Suite 9 Rock Road, , Blackrock, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 E4X7

    Existing Consultant Suite Strip-Out and New Fit-Out

    Application No.:
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  • 12 Sydney Avenue Sydney Avenue, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 P5Y9

    the demolition of existing single storey extension to the rear, partial demolition of existing two storey extension to the rear, construction of new single storey extension to the rear and extension of existing two storey extension to the rear, some internal remodelling at ground and first floor, remodelling of first floor windows to the rear including an extra two windows, installation of solar panels to the rear of the main roof, remodelling of velux rooflights to rear of main roof, construction of bike and bin enclosures to the front, new hard landscaping to the front and rear including external boiler house and storage to the rear, installation of new rooflight to the rear of mews house and general refurbishment. A Protected Structure.

    D24A/0099/WEB View details
  • Maple Attic 24 Maple Manor, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D18 Y6Y7

    Attic Conversion incorporating dormer window to rear and rooflight to front

    D24B/0226/WEB View details
  • Woodpark TAU Wood Park, Sallynoggin, Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 D4E4

    Demolition of two day units and construction of 3 new detached two story houses and a detached single story garage and a new boundary wall on the east and north sides and a temporary site adjacent on the east side.

    PC/H/02/2022 View details
  • 14 Southwood Park, Blackrock, BC02 14 Southwood Park, Blackrock, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 X0X8

    The development will consist of: 1) Construction of new dormer to rear of the main house roof to facilitate a habitable attic conversion. 2) Change of roof from hipped to gabled with extended gable wall, including new window to side elevation, and velux rooflight to rear slope. 3) All associated demolitions/alterations, internal layout changes, drainage and ancillary works.

    D24B/0411/WEB View details
  • 10 Green Park Development ( Semi Detached ) Green Park , Miltown , Dublin 14, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 WK66

    The development will consist of Demolition of the single storey extensions to the front, side and rear of the existing two storey, detached dwelling. The sub-division of the existing detached dwelling into two semi-detached dwellings including extensive alterations to the interior of the original dwelling. The construction of two storey extensions to the front, side and rear. Construction of single storey extensions to the rear. Conversion and extension of the existing attic space with dormer windows to the rear and roof lights to the front and side. The construction of a new vehicular entrance to serve the additional dwelling, with access gained via Orwell Road. The provision of 2 no. car parking spaces and 4 no. bicycle parking spaces to serve each of the dwellings. Private gardens to the rear of each dwelling. The proposed development also includes; Hard and soft landscaping, new boundary to separate sites, bin storage, drainage and all associated works necessary to facilitate the development.

    D24A/0839 View details
  • 1A Ashfieled 1 Ashfield Park, , Donnybrook, Dublin 4, D04N8C9, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,

    New detached 2 storey house and works to extend adjacent house.

    D24A/0772/WEB View details



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