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Jamrud, Sorrento Road, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Jamrud, Sorrento Road, Dalkey, dublinDescription:
Permission for: (1) The construction of a two storey extension with pitched roof to the front with 4.8 sqm new build on each level. (2) A 15.2 sqm first floor extension with pitched roof and a roof light to the rear over the ground floor dining room area. (3) The replacement of the conservatory to the rear with a new glazed structure with flat roof, parapets and a glazed lantern roof light. (4) Pebbledash rendering of the brick extension to the side to match original house and to add two windows to the front and a roof light in the roof of same. (5) The replacement of all windows with painted double glazed hardwood windows. (6) The widening of the existing 3m vehicular entrance by 600mm with the addition of electric hardwood sliding gates.
28 Gledswood Avenue, Clonskeagh, D. 14 28 Gledswood Avenue, Clonskeagh, D. 14Description:
Permission for the construction of a new single storey extension to rear and a new bay window to front, with associated internal modifications, plus the partial demolition of an existing rear extension
35 Vale View Avenue, The Park, Cabinteely, D. 18 35 Vale View Avenue, , The Park, Cabinteely, D. 18Description:
Permission for development consisting of the modification of an existing hipped-end roof to a new gable-end roof with associated internal modifications and two new front facing rooflights, plus the addition of a new enclosed front entrance porch and the forward realignment of the front window/wall to the converted garage
LOW Lands, Stepaside Kilgobbin Road, Stepaside, dublin_18Description:
Construction of 126 Houses and associated Site Development Works at former Lansdowne Old Wesley RFC, Kilgobbin Road, Stepaside, Dublin 18
40A Drummartin Park 40 Drummartin Park, Kilmacud, dublin_14Description:
New Detached Two Storey with Dormer Roof House to Side Garden
174 Meadow Grove, Dundrum, D. 16 174 meadow grove, Dundrum, dublin_16Description:
Build granny flat and kitchen
5 Stillorgan Park, Stillorgan, Co dublin 5 Stillorgan Park, StillorganDescription:
Demolition of single storey extension to rear, erection of new single storey extension to rear accommodating new Dining Room, new double storey extension to rear accommodating new Family room and Master Suite, conversion of existing Attic space to include new dormer window to front and rear, increase in size of two windows to front, one to rear and two new windows to first floor gable end.
No. 1 Greenfield Road No. 1 Greenfield Road, Mount MerrionDescription:
Single storey extension to side of No.1 Greenfield Road.
Glengesh, 14 Mount Anville Road 14 Mount Anville Road, Mount Merrion, dublin_14Description:
refurbishment and extension works to existing dormer bungalow to include the provision of raising the roof of the existing single storey extension on the north side to provide a new first floor master bedroom, ensuite and guest room. extension to rear to provide new living room with new dormer window over, new dormer window to rear of existing roof, new glazed porch doors and minor alterations to existing fenestration
Grove Lodge Grove Lodge, Killiney, carlowDescription:
Permission for development consisting of a proposed two storey domestic house at an area of 517 sqm and a detached garage at 20 sqm. Other proposed works will include associated drainage, landscaping and all associated site development works.