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4 Proby Square, Blackrock, Co DublinDescription:
The construction of 27sq meter single storey extenstion to the rear of the existing dwellin and a new vehicular entrance
Arcadia, Ferndale Glen, Rathmicahel, D. 18 Arcadia, Ferndale Glen, Rathmichael, D. 18Description:
Permission for demolition of existing conservatory to side of existing house and the construction of a new single storey extension with pitched roof to the same side. Total of 19 Sq. Metres
Killmullen, Castlepark Road, Dalkey, County Dublin Castlepark Road, DalkeyDescription:
1). Demolition of the garage to the side, porch to the front and single storey extensions to the rear of the existing bungalow. 2). Construction of new single storey extensions to the front, side and rear. New canopy and window to the front elevation. Alterations to the window openings on the front and side elevations. 3). New roof lights to the front and rear. 4). Associated site works.
Carraig, Kill Lane, Foxrock Kill Lane, Foxrock, dublin_18Description:
New extension, alterations and associated site development works.
4 Glenbourne Way 4 Glenbourne Way, Leopardstown Valley, dublin_18Description:
Permission for a single storey extension to the front, part of side and rear of dwelling (with rooflights) and a two storey extension to the side of dwelling.
17, Dale Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin 17, Dale Road, , Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, dublinDescription:
Permission for development consisting of a single storey side extension of 27.79 sqm in lieu of existing garage of 13.08 sqm and rear single storey extension of 9.47 sqm in lieu of existing 3.34 sqm return, all to existing two storey end of terrace house of 111.44 sqm.
6 Longford Terrace, Monkstown, Co, DublinDescription:
increase width of excisting driveway, new steps to basement area, 2 new handrails, new planting & gravel/paved surface to front garden refurbish basement apartment.
41 Bird Avenue, Clonskeagh, D. 14 41 Bird Avenue, dublin, dublin_14Description:
66.5m2 new works comprising 3m2 replacement of existing porch, 16m2 Rear Living/ Dining, 16.5m2 Utility/WC/Storage, 16m2 Study to side Ground and new 15m2 First Floor Bedroom to side, elevational changes and associated works to existing dwelling at 41 Bird Avenue, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14
12, Vale View Avenue, The Park, Cabinteely, Dublin 18 12, Vale View Avenue, The Park, , Cabinteely, dublin_18Description:
Permission for a single storey rear extension of 27.4 sq. m.
The Guinness Gallery, 1c, Brighton Road, Foxrock Village, Dublin 18 1C Brighton Road, Foxrock, D. 18Description:
Permission for alterations to existing shop, comprising increased height of shop front and installation of new bay window, entrance door and signage to replace existing; alterations to front boundary wall, forecourt paving and all associated works.