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  • No. 2 Sweetmount Park No 2 Sweetmount Park, Dundrum, dublin_14

    two storey extension to the side and single storey extension to the front and rear of existing house; alterations to internal layout; main roof alterations; two velux to the rear

    D13B/0392 View details
  • 34 Whitebeam Avenue, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 34 Whitebeam Avenue, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14

    Single storey extension to rear including all assoc drainage, site development and landscaping works

    D14B/0034 View details
  • 62 Springhill Park, Killiney, Co Dublin 62 Springhill Park, Killiney, Co Dublin

    Conversion of existing attice space to habitable roof space, dormer with 2no. windows to rear, new window & gable at side & partial demolition of existingchimney

    D14B/0001 View details
  • The Little Peak, Uplands Road, Glenalua Road, Killiney, Co Dublin The Little Peak, Uplands Road, Glenlua Road, Killiney, dublin, Co Dublin

    Ext 19sqm to rear/side of existign bedrooms and exterior. Deck 27sqm to rear of living area. Demol of open carport portion of front roof and widening of entrance to dwelling.

    D14A/0048 View details
  • 26 Heather Drive, Marley Wood, Rathfarnahm, D. 16 26 Heather Drive, Marley Wood, Rathfarnham , dublin_16

    Attic conversion

    D14B/0036 View details
  • 70 Temple Road, Blackrock 70 Temple Road, Blackrock

    single storey extension to the side of 70 Temple road, Blackrock

    D13B/0401 View details
  • Cartref, Newtownpark Avenue Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock

    The demolition of 4.7sqm porch to front of house and replacement with a 4.5sqm single storey extension, demolition of 13.3sqm extension to rear of house and replacement with 27.8sqm two-storey extension, 0.5sqm extension to first-floor landing and associated rooflight, conversion of 9sqm garage to study, lowering of cills to first floor windows to front of house, addition of 1 no. window, 1 no. door to south-west side of house, widening of existing vehicular entrance, addition of 2 no. side gates to either side of front of house, external insulation applied throughout.

    D13B/0346 View details
  • Oakside, 10 Old Bray Road 10 Old Bray Road, Foxrock

    Part one and two storey extension of existing two storey dwelling to front side and rear, garage conversion, 2 new rooflights to front of roof to Oakside, 10 Old Bray Road, Foxrock

    D14B/0008 View details
  • New Student Residences, Belfield, University College Dublin Adjacent to existing Belgrove student residential complex, University College Dublin, dublin_4

    The construction of a new ESB sub-station.

    D13A/0404 View details
  • No.5 Martello Terrace No.5 Martello Terrace, Dun Laoghaire

    Proposed alterations to, and within the curtilage of, an existing Protected Structure, no.5 Martello Terrace, Sandycove, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, consisting of the following principal elements: 1. New single storey over basement extension to rear incorporating existing basement courtyard; 2. Replacement of existing conservatory to rear with new single storey structure; 3. Internal repair and refurbishment works; 4. Alterations to the existing external hard and soft landscaping; 5. Refurbishment of original windows and replacement of non-original windows; 6. New opening in existing gable wall of the return at first floor level to provide new window overlooking the garden; 7. Installation of Solar Panels to the roof; 8. The development will include all associated drainage and site development works.

    D14A/0023 View details



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