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Coillte Threerock Threerock Coillte Site, BallyedmonduffDescription:
A 65 metre multi-user communications structure to replace the existing CIE and An Garda Siochana structures ( to be removed once the new tower is operational). New purpose built communications room and retention of the existing An Garda Siochana communications room. Proposed development will be enclosed within an enclosed compound behind palisade fencing, landscaping and a six metre fire break with access over an extension to the existing track.
57, Ashgrove, Kill Avenue, Dun LaoghaireDescription:
Alterations and extenstion to existing dwellin
50 North Avenue, Mount MerrionDescription:
Single Storey Porch/ Widening of gate
41 Dargle Road, BlackrockDescription:
Widening of vehicular entrance and ancillary site works
6 Ardenza Terrace 6 Ardenza Terrace, MonkstownDescription:
Extension to Rear and refurbishment of a protected structure
19 Weirview Drive, Stillorgan, Co DublinDescription:
installation of 2 No Dormer windows to front and 1 no dormer to the rear.
34 Hillside, Dalkey, Co Dublin 34 Hillside , Dalkey , Co DublinDescription:
Widen the existing vehicle entrance gate by 800mm, including new additiional drive way
15 Library Road, Shankill, Co. Dublin 15 Library Road, ShankillDescription:
House extension to the rear; alterations to internal layout; 2 velux roof light at No 15 Library Road, Shankill, Co. Dublin
8, Manor Green , Rathfarnham, Dublin 16 8, Manor Green , Rathfarnham, Dublin 16Description:
New Vehicular entrance & associated works
103 Hillside - House Extension 103 Hillside, DalkeyDescription:
(1.) Ground floor extensions to both front and rear of house, (2.) First floor extension to side of house, (3.) Roof-light to the side elevation, (4.) Widening of gate posts and (5.) Ancillary Site Works at 103 Hillside, Dalkey, Co Dublin.