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Extension 1 Parkvale 1 Parkvale, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D16 X258Description:
Extension in line with planning permission
Frascati House Landlord Works Temple Road, , Blackrock, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
Replacement windows to building, internal dry-lining to external perimeter walls, new fire doors internally and re-roofing.
Application No.: -
Farren works 3 10 Farrenboley Park,, , Dublin 14, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 W296Description:
construction of single storey extension to front and side of existing dwelling and 2 storey extension to rear
1A Ardagh Park Road 1 Ardagh Park Road, , Blackrock, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
Construction of a detached dormer type dwelling.
69 Clonkeen Drive Clonkeen Drive, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 A891Description:
The addition of two projecting bay windows and a pitched roof canopy to the front elevation and the addition of a door and a window to the side elevation @ ground floor level and the widening of the vehicular front entrance and associated site development works and the extension to the rear and associated internal alterations
41, Granville Park, Blackrock, Dublin, A94PX67 41 Granville Park, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 PX67Description:
Renovation & extension of an existing house comprising the construction of a new flat roofed entrance porch, reconfiguration of the internal layout including structural alterations, new windows & doors, external insulation, mechanical & electrical upgrade and all associated works.
Monte Alverno Sorrento Road, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 C594Description:
alterations to the existing house [PROTECTED STRUCTURE] and grounds, including reconfiguration of parts of the internal layout; new window and door opes and replacement of glazing to the rear of the house; replacement of existing PVC windows with timber windows; reinstatement of original window ope to the front of the house; removal of modern decorative features
74, Beech Park Road, Dublin 18, D18K4P2 74, Beech Park Road, Dublin 18, D18K4P2, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D18 K4P2Description:
The development will consist of Demolition of existing side garage and some internal walls to allow for new layout. Construction of a single storey side and rear extension (66m2) moving the front door to the front elevation of the house, connection to existing county council soil and surface water. Widening the vehicular entrance from beech park road with a new parking area at the front garden.
EXTENSION 33 GOATSTOWN ROAD 33 GOATSTOWN ROAD, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 XK37Description:
Single-storey extension to the rear and side. Demolition of part of existing side extension with replacement with new single-storey side extension. Widening of front vehicular access.
37_Drummartin Park_E_WalTL 37, Drummartin Park, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 HE44Description:
1) Replacement of existing ground floor extension to the rear of the house with new flat roof stepped extension. 2) Addition of a first floor extension to the side of house with hipped roof to merge existing and parapet detail to adjoining property. 3) All associated internal alteration, drainage and site works to be implemented.