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Extension to side & rear at Graiguenaspiddoge, Nurney - B&AM 2024 Graiguenaspiddoge, , Nurney, Carlow, R93 PY06Description:
The construction of a single storey extension to the side and rear of existing two storey dwelling with connection to adjacent barn and conversion of adjacent barn to domestic use, internal alterations and changes to external openings and all associated site works
Extension to Dwelling at Dolmen Gardens - M&NW 2024 132 Dolmen Gardens, , Hacketstown Road, Carlow, R93 WK02Description:
The construction of an extension of 20m² at first floor level and to the side of existing two-storey semi-detached dwelling, interior and exterior alterations and all ancillary site works
Extension to Side of Dwelling at Curates House, Clonegall Clonegall, Carlow, Y21 Y942Description:
Demolition of flat roof annex to the rear of our existing dwelling and permission to construct new extension to the side of our existing dwelling.
External Facade Modifications - 62-64 Dublin Street Dublin Street, , Carlow, Carlow, R93 X9N4Description:
Modifications to existing facade and shopfront and all associated site works to the Dublin Street Elevation
Garreenleen IPP Substation Building Bendinstown, , Gilbertstown, Carlow,Description:
IPP substation building comprising a single-storey building and external plinths
Catherine Earl & Roman Lacina Leighlin Road, , Bilboa, Carlow,Description:
Construct single storey dwelling, domestic garage, bored well, waste water treatment system and new site entrance.
Milking facilities building Ballyshane, , Hacketstown, Carlow,Description:
Milking facilities building at Ballyshane, Clonmore, Co. Carlow
the construction of an extension & associated works at Rathmore, Tullow Rathmore, , Tullow, Carlow, R93 R285Description:
the construction of a one & Half Storey Style extension with attached garage and associated ancillary works at Rathmore Tullow
74 Laburnum Drive - Extension 74 Laburnum Drive, , Carlow, Carlow, R93 HF72Description:
1) Demolition of an existing single storey bedroom, ensuite, utility room (c.13.0m sq.) attached to the side of existing two storey semi-detached dwelling. 2) Construction of a new replacement single storey flat roof extension (c.50.0m sq.) to side of existing dwelling to incorporate wc, utility, bedroom, ensuite, living area and all associated site works
New Milking Parlour , Newtown, Muine Bheag, Co. Carlow Newtown, , Muine Beagh, Carlow,Description:
(a) Construction of a new farmyard entrance and access road. (b) Construction of an agricultural building to include milking parlour, dairy and ancillary rooms. (c) Construction of an unroofed waiting yard, drafting / handling area, and feed area with associated underground slatted storage tank. (d) Erection of a meal bin and water storage tank and all other associated site works.