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Barrack Street Housing 25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32 Barrack Street, , Carlow, Carlow,Description:
Barrack Street House Nos. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32: - 2) Reconstruction of new floors (with radon barrier and insulation systems), new party walls, internal walls, rear walls and remaining gable walls (with insulation), replacement rooves substantially following the existing profiles (with insulation, separation); 3) Complete internal refit; 4) Improvements to front elevations (improved accessibility, level entry, configuration); 5) New party walls to private open spaces at the rear of units and all associated siteworks.
Erection of a storage shed @ Ballyknock, St. Mullins, Co. Carlow Ballyknock, , St Mullins, Carlow,Description:
Erection of a storage shed and all associated site works @ Ballyknock, St. Mullins, Co. Carlow
Mushroom Growing Tunnels Downings, , Tullow, Carlow,Description:
The construction of 3 no. mushroom growing tunnels and all associated site works
Construction of a storey and a half extension to rear of Rathduff, Bagenalstown, Co Carlow Rathduff, , Bagenalstown, Carlow, R21 HT22Description:
(1) Partial demolition of existing single story extension to rear. (2) Masonry construction of a story and a half extension to rear elevation north and gable elevation east and west some 110 Sqm to connect into existing water treatment system
Detached Garage at Rutland Palatine - EB/MD 2024 Rutland, , Palatine, Carlow,Description:
The construction of a single storey garage at Rutland, Palatine, Carlow.
Change of use and alterations to ground floor of existing unit to from 9 No. Apartments at Tullowbeg, Tullow, Carlow Abbey St, Tullowbeg,, , Tullow, Carlow, R93 Y4C0Description:
Change of use and alterations to ground floor of existing vacant commercial premises to from 9 No. Residential units consisting of 4no.-2bed + 5no.-1bed apartment units & all ancillary works.
Application No.: -
PV Panel Installation at St. Dymphna's Hospital Campus, Kelvin Court Housing Units, Carlow 18 Athy Road, , Carlow, Carlow, R93 V825Description:
Erection of photovoltaic solar panels at existing flat roof structures and associated works at St. Dymphna's Hospital Campus, Kelvin Court Housing Units
Single storey dwelling at Rutland, Palatine - EB/MD 2024 Rutland, , Palatine, Carlow,Description:
The construction of a single storey dwelling, widening of existing domestic entrance, waste treatment system & percolation area, connecting to mains water, de-commissioning of existing septic tank and all associated site works.
Bendinstown 110kV Eirgrid Substation Building Bendinstown, , Gilbertstown, Carlow,Description:
110kV substation building comprising a single-storey building and external plinths
Construction of a single storey dwelling at Seskin Upper Seskin Upper, , Old Leighlin, Carlow,Description:
The construction of a single-storey dwelling, new entrance and driveway, the boring of a well, the installation of a septic tank and percolation area and all associated site works