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4 No Dwellings - Elderly senior living- Maypole Crescent, Knocklong Maypole Crescent, , Knocklong, Limerick,Description:
Construction of 4 No single storey semi-detached elderly living 2 bedroom dwellings
Dwelling Extension & Refurbishment at Clough East, Croagh, co limerick. Clough East, , Croagh, Limerick, nilDescription:
Dwelling extension & refurbishment including ancillary site works
Opt Out- New dwelling- Croom. Co. Limerick Croom, , Croom, Limerick,Description:
Opt Out- Construction of a new dwelling house, vehicular entrance, connection to the public services & all associated site works
Apartment Blocks A & B, Castle Place, Station Road, Newcastle West. Nos. 64-69 & 77-82 Castle Place, Station Road, , Newcastle West, Limerick,Description:
Construction of Apartment Blocks A & B at Nos. 64-69 & 77-82 Castle Place, Station Road, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick.
Detached Domestic Garage, Fihidy, Croagh, Co. Limerick Fihidy, , Croagh, Limerick,Description:
Construction of a new detached Domestic Garage
Opt Out- New dwelling- Fihidy, Croagh, Co Limerick Fihidy, , Croagh, Limerick,Description:
Opt Out- Construction of a new dwelling house, wastewater treatment unit, polishing filter, entrance, bored well and all associated site works
Logistical Storage and Sorting Unit at Annacotty Business Park Annacotty Industrial Estate, , Annacotty Business Park, Limerick,Description:
Logistic Centre facility incorporating warehousing, offices, associated car parking, surface water attenuation and all ancillary site works
Construction of single storey extension at 35 Lifford Gardens 35 Lifford Gardens, , Limerick, Limerick, V94 X7RFDescription:
Construction of a single storey timber frame extension to the front of the existing two storey dwelling house, the change of a door to a window on the West Elevation, a new Ground floor window on the East Elevation and a pedestrian approach ramp within the existing driveway and all ancillary site works.
Warehouse Development at Crossagalla Industrial Estate (Phase 1) Sean Curtin Scaffolding Ltd, , Crossagalla Industrial Estate, Ballysimon Road, Limerick,Description:
Warehouse Development at Crossagalla Industrial Estate (Phase 1)
New replacement dwelling, WWTS at Old Ballysimon Road, Limerick Ballysimon Road, , Limerick, Limerick,Description:
New replacement dwelling, WWTS at Old Ballysimon Road, Limerick