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New Dwelling Ballylin I C Ballylin, , Ardagh, Limerick,Description:
the construction of a single storey dwelling house & domestic garage
New Dwelling Grange P K Grange, , Kilmallock, Limerick,Description:
construction of replacement single storey dwelling house
extension to house 24 Vartry Close, Raheen,, , Limerick, Limerick, V94 AHC7Description:
Timber framed flat roof extension at first floor level to side of house including kitchen extension to rear of house
8 Carrinderry Rivers No.8 Carrinderry Rivers,, , Annacotty, Limerick, V94 NW8NDescription:
Constructing an extension,new entrance and making alterations to an existing dwelling and all ancillary works.
Residential Change 83 Mungret St 83 Mungret Street, , Limerick, Limerick, V94 DD71Description:
A project to refubish and renovate at commercial premises at 83 Mungret St Limerick and turn back into a single dwelling residential unit. Article 10(6)(a) exemption granted by Limerick County Council.
Application No.: -
sam house tournafulla village, , Toornafulla, Limerick,Description:
the construction of a split level single storey 3 bedroom dwelling house , entrance onto lower road...
Pallasgreen The Grove, , Old Pallas, Limerick, V94 VYP1Description:
3 no. Detached Single Storey Pitched Roof Community Dwellings in Pallasgreen Co. Limerick
Modular Classroom(s) at Scoil Chaitriona, Cappamore, Co. Limerick Main Street, , Cappamore, Limerick,Description:
The provision of 2 no classrooms with associated toilets, in 1 No. Modular building, for use as classroom accommodation on the grounds of Scoil Chaitriona, Cappamore, Co. Limerick and all associated site works on and under land.
Application No.: -
Offices at 17 Upper Denmark Street Upper Denmark Street, , Limerick, Limerick, V94 T9W3Description:
Material change of use of existing public house to Offices with associated material alterations.
12/13 Upper William St 12/13 Upper William St, , Limerick, Limerick, V94 K3H6Description:
Development comprises the material change of use and alterations to existing bank and office building into 11 apartments
Application No.: