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3 Highfield 3 Highfield, , Limerick, Limerick, V94 Y6CFDescription:
(a) widen existing vehicular entrance and driveway, (b) demolish existing porch & single storey attached garage, (c) construct a new 2 storey extension to the side of house with a single storey extension to the rear and (d) all associated site works
domestic extension and renovation Behanagh, , Kilbehenny, Limerick, P67KV91Description:
Demolition of rear extension, side annex and adjoining shed, alterations to existing elevations and construction of a new single storey extension to south and two storey extension to west of existing dwelling [ opt out ]
Coffee shop/cafe and sports recovery area at Main Street, Ballylanders, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick Main Street, , Ballylanders, Limerick, V35 Y6H6Description:
Change of use and material alterations of ground floor vacant Public House to Coffee shop/cafe and sports recovery area at Peak 100, Main Street, Ballylanders, Co. Limerick.V35Y6H6
Proposed Dormer Dwelling Croghteen, , Castletown, Limerick,Description:
Proposed Dormer Dwelling, wastewater treatment system, polishing filter, entrance and all ancillary site works.
domestic extension Ballyriggin, , Kilfinane, Limerick, V35Y562Description:
construction of a single storey extension to the side and rear of an existing dwelling house, refurbishment and alterations of existing dwelling house, demolition of existing porch to the front of the existing dwelling house and all associated site works including a new septic tank and percolation area [ opt out ]
MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE FROM A VACANT UNFINISHED RETAIL UNIT TO A GYMNASIUM Unit 5 Coonagh Cross Shopping Centre, , Clondrinagh Clonconare, Limerick, V94 YC1HDescription:
Completion of an unfinished retail unit to a gymnasium with associated works
FinnExtension North Circular Road, , Limerick, Limerick, V946K11Description:
change of use of from existing ancillary living accommodation to a separate dwelling use including permission for all necessary alterations and extension, the provision of boundaries, connection to services and all associated site development works
23-22 North West Wing, Cuan Mhuire, Bruree, V35 YX74 Cuan Mhuire Facility, , Bruree, Limerick, V35 YX74Description:
Material alterations to the North West Wing of existing two-story courtyard accommodation consisting of works forming new bedroom and bathroom layouts at First Floor Level and all ancillary works. Bruree House is listed as a Protected Structure in the Limerick County Development plan R.P.S. Ref. No. B391 and is also listed on the N.I.A.H. Ref. No. 21804006 at Bruree House, Bruree, Co. Limerick, V35 YX74
Licenced premises/old hotel, Bruree Bruree, Limerick, V35 PF65Description:
Other Works (extension/alteration/change of use of an existing building Change of use of a hotel into a public house and all ancillary works related to this at Bruree.
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