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Detached Dwelling at Newtown, Knock Newtown, Knock, , Roscrea, Tipperary,Description:
The construction of a new dwelling house, wastewater treatment system, bored well, driveway, entrance and all associated site works
5 The Beeches, Shannonview, Ballina 5 The Beeches, , Ballina, Tipperary, V94 D9V4Description:
Alterations & Side Extension to Private Dwelling house in addition to alterations previously approved under planing file reference 2360899, with ancillary works.
Phase 2B Fit out of vacant convent for residential use as a hostel Convent Road, , Roscrea, Tipperary, E53 AK54Description:
Phase 2B Fit out of part Lower Ground floor, Ground floor and area where new plant room is located
Application No.: -
New dwelling, entrance, WWTS at Clonganhue, Cappawhite, Co. Tipperary Clonganhue, , Cappawhite, Tipperary,Description:
New dwelling, entrance, WWTS at Clonganhue, Cappawhite, Co. Tipperary
Teresa Kilbane and James Cryan Bachelors Hill, , Ballycahill, Tipperary,Description:
Construction of new dwelling, site entrance, installation of a wastewater treatment system & percolation area and all associated site works.
Michael & Geraldine Minogue 7 Units Windmill Cashel Windmill, , Cashel, Tipperary,Description:
Construction of 7No. warehouse units, car parking, entrance and ancillary works at Windmill, Cahir Road, Cashel, Co Tipperary.
Construct a dormer bedroom extension to first floor over part of existing ground floor at 13 O'Mahony Avenue, Carrick-on-Suir, No. 13 O'Mahony Avenue,, , Carrick-on-Suir, Tipperary, E32 DE24Description:
a dormer bedroom extension to first floor over part of existing ground floor flat roof kitchen to the rear of my residence and all associated site works
Ann-Marie McMahon Knockagh, , Cahir, Tipperary, E21YT35Description:
Construction of an extension to an existing dwelling
Lisronagh RMG LC Lisronagh, , Lisronagh, Tipperary,Description:
Construction of a dwelling house
Change of use / Material Alteration East Cork Oil Thurles East Cork Oil Company, Unit 1, Castlemeadows,, , Thurles, Tipperary, E41 FE86Description:
Material change of use and material alteration, from storage use to office use, of existing portal frame warehouse at East Cork Oil Company, Castlemeadows, Thurles, Co. Tipperary